London independent, State & UK BOARDING SCHOOLS

London has some of the best schools in the country, both State and Independent.

A number of London's outstanding state schools are faith based and require regular church attendance to gain a place at reception, whilst others have a restrictive catchment area. Some of the top state secondary schools have an 11+ admittance exam (September to November). State school 11+ entrance exams tend to cover verbal reasoning, maths and english, some have musical, art and linguistic places, whilst some of the faith schools have a small number of open (non religious) places.

4+ entry for Independent schools can be just as difficult. Some require parents to register at birth, others have very early or number limited cutoff dates. Then there's the selective 4+ entrance tests; some schools start or have an extra entrance admittance round at 7+, 8+, 9+ or even 10+. Then come the 11+ and 13+ exams. 11+ entrance exams tend to be late Autumn to January, whilst the different levels of 13+ entrance exams occur over a longer time period. Independent school entrance exams are beginning to change, with the NEW London 11+ Consortium (a group of 12 London girls schools) implementing a 1hr cognitive ability - verbal, non verbal and maths paper from January 2019. 



Pre-Prep Schools cover the ages of 3/4 to age 7/8. The schools listed do include schools that begin from age 3/4, however a proportion of these schools go beyond to ages 11, 13 or 18.

The Schools have been listed by their London geographical location.



Prep Schools cover the ages of 7/8 to 11 or 13. The schools listed do include schools that begin from age 3/4, however a proportion of these schools go beyond age 18.

The Schools have been listed by their London geographical location.



Senior Schools begin at age 10/11 or 13. 

London Independent Senior Schools are listed by their 2018/19 A* A'level results as per The Sunday Times - Parents Power lists (Top 370 in the UK).

NB 2019/20 GCSE and A'level results were not included due the Pandemic and lack of physical exams. 



State Primary Schools are divided into C of E, Catholic and Non Faith.



State Senior Schools are listed by their 2018/19 A* A'level results as per The Sunday Times - Parents Power lists (Top 500 in the UK).

NB 2019/20 GCSE and A'level results were not included due the Pandemic and lack of physical exams. . 


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