I’ve listed the 2017/18 Top London School A'level Results by both A* and by A* to B grades.

The following schools have not been included due to incomplete data:  St Pauls (Barnes - Boys - Independent), The London Oratory School (Chelsea - Co-Ed - State), Channing School (Highgate - Girls - Independent), Harrodian School (Barnes - Co-Ed - Independent), Whitgift School (Croydon - Boys - Independent)

A*              57.5%

A* - B        95.3%

Independent School



For the ninth successive year Westminster pupils have secured over half their grades at A* or D1/D2 equivalent. Currently at 57.5%, these are the best results the School has achieved, beating last year’s record of 57.2%.

  • Also improving still further on last year’s record outcomes, 83 pupils achieved at least 3 A*s in A level / Pre-U, of whom 48 achieved at least 4 A*s.

  • 88.1% of A-level / Pre-U grades were graded at A*-A.

Warmest congratulations to our pupils on gaining these outstanding results, especially in the context of the extraordinary breadth of their co-curricular achievements.

A*              57.5%

A* - B        96.5%

State School



The class of 2018 attained exceptional results that confirm King's Maths School as one of the highest performing schools in the country. The results are extremely similar to those attained by the class of 2017 - and these were ratified by the Department for Education performance tables as the best around.

Even more powerfully, the 2018 results demonstrate clearly that the school is serving its mission to widen participation in the mathematical sciences.

58% of all entries are A* grades, 88% are A*/A, and 96% are A*/A/B. In terms of value added, our students have attained more than a grade better on average, per entry, than was predicted by their GCSE results. This would place us in the top 0.5% of all schools in terms of value added, with no other selective school (except perhaps the Exeter Mathematics School!) coming close to that level.

A notable feature of this year's results is that female students outperformed their male peers, with 92% (compared to 85%) A* and A grades. They did this in every subject, including in Physics.

A*              56.2%

A* - B        98.8%

Independent School


Hammersmith & Fulham

Many congratulations to all of our students on their fantastic achievements in the 2018 public examinations, which are the culmination of their hard work and commitment and the dedication and expertise of their teachers.

We are delighted to announce 60.1% of entries attained an A* grade at A level or the Pre-U equivalent D1 or D2 grade – a new school record. 89.9% of entries achieved an A* or A grade and 98.8% a B grade or higher. We are particularly thrilled with the results from Pre-U examinations in 10 subjects where 31% of entries achieved a D1 – a grade that exceeds the A* standard at A level – and 69.2% of entries achieved an A* equivalent D1 or D2 grade.

A*              45.2%

A* - B        96.7%

State School



“Exceptional” QE pupils respond to challenge of new A-levels with a record-breaking number of A* grades

Sixth-formers at QE achieved the School’s highest-ever total of the very top A-level grade – crowning an unbroken 13-year record of performance at the highest level.

Of the 482 A-levels taken, 45.2% were awarded A* – easily outstripping the previous record of 42.2% set in 2015.

Further analysis of QE’s results reveals that there is strength in depth, too: this is the 13th consecutive year in which the benchmark figure for the proportion of examinations awarded A*–B grades has topped 95%. The 2018 figure of 96.7% improves further on last year’s 96.0%.

Twenty-eight leavers have received offers from Oxford and Cambridge this year, while over the previous five years 144 boys from QE won Oxbridge places. The overwhelming majority of QE boys – more than 90% in 2017 – secure places at Russell Group universities, while a small but growing number have headed to Ivy League colleges in the US.

Headmaster Neil Enright said: “Our boys have exceeded even our own expectations and I am absolutely delighted by these results, especially given the national context.

A*              44.1%

A* - B        97.5%

Independent School


City of London

Our Year 13 leavers celebrated this morning as they received an excellent set of exam results. The cohort achieved a 100 per cent pass rate across all subjects, with 82 per cent of entries graded A* or A.

47 per cent of entries were graded A*, matching last year’s record-breaking achievement. Two thirds of students achieved 3 or more A* or A grades and 98 per cent of all entries were graded A* to B.

Amongst the best results were Art, Chinese, Design Technology, Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) and French, with 100 per cent of entries being graded A*. Those studying languages once again excelled, with 100 per cent achieving A* to A grades in Ancient Greek, Chinese, French, German, Latin and Spanish. 82 per cent of those studying Further Maths achieved an A* grade, with 100 per cent achieving A* or A.

As well as achieving outstanding academic results, the cohort have taken part in a wide range of extra-curricular activities this year. These include drama and music performances, fundraising for the school’s chosen charity, Street Child, and competing in the national finals of the UK Space Design Competition. A number of students also achieved silver or gold Duke of Edinburgh awards.

A*              44%

A* - B        92.8%

Independent School



NLCS proudly celebrates another year of outstanding A level and Pre-U results.

Overall, more than 85% of all grades awarded were at A* or A, and 93.5% of all grades awarded were at A*- B. 

Students celebrated their success in achieving places at prestigious universities in the UK and the USA, with final destinations ranging from Columbia, Stanford and other Ivy League institutions to Oxford and Cambridge closer to home.

Thirty-two students, over a third of the entire year group, achieved more than A*A*A* or equivalent grades and nine of those students achieved A*A*A*A*.  

Overall fourteen NLCS academic departments achieved 100% A*-A grades this year and French, Italian and Russian scored 100% A* grades overall - a truly outstanding achievement! 

Sarah Clark, Headmistress, commented: "It is wonderful to see how magnificently our students have performed this year.  I am delighted with our results and everything that they have achieved.  In an ever-increasingly competitive world it is good to see the students at North London still succeeding at the highest level, while maintaining a commitment to living a balanced and fulfilled life."

A*              42%

A* - B        95.8%

Independent School



A Level Results: ‘Nurturing Excellence’ in all areas of School life.

The Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School’s philosophy to nurture excellence in all areas of School life is clearly evident in the Class of 2018’s outstanding A Level results. Alongside uncompromisingly high academic standards, it is the all-round, holistic education which enables every pupil to thrive, to develop aspirations and to pursue his ambitions with confidence and energy. Academic excellence very readily sits alongside success in Sport, Drama, Music, Art and Community Service. The School is therefore delighted to see that the Class of 2018, once again, has succeeded in all areas of educational life.

Habs Boys continues to see outstanding A Level results right across the year group and subject areas. 42% of all grades awarded were A*; 38 pupils (25%) gained 3 or more A* grades; 85 pupils (56%) gained straight A* and A grades. Almost 20% of the cohort have accepted Oxbridge places.

A*              41.6%

A* - B        94.3%

Independent School



Congratulations to our upper sixth pupils on their excellent A level results today. 94% of all A level grades are A*/A/B, with 42% graded A* alone. 26 have pupils obtained three or more A* grades, including 10 pupils with 4 A* grades. Combined with the IB results released in July, 49% of all exams taken by this year group have been awarded an A* or the IB equivalent (higher level 7) which is very impressive.

We are extremely proud of all our pupils, whilst also being mindful that each year, at this stage, there are some who are worried about university offers. Staff will be in school today and tomorrow (16th and 17th August) between 9am and 1pm to give guidance on re-marks and liaising with universities. Please note the details from Mr Allen for further information.

A*              39.1%

A* - B        89.8%

Independent School



Results for the Class of 2018 were published today: 163 students took a total of 532 exams, either at A level or its equivalent, the Pre-U. With all exams sat at the end of the second year sixth, 2018’s students faced a tough assessment regime but proved themselves equal to the task! 39.1% of all exam entries were awarded with the top grade, an A* or a Distinction (D1 or D2) at Pre-U, and 75.8% of all grades were either A* or A.

34 students were rewarded with three A* or more, and 110 students, or 68% of all Highgate candidates, had at least one A* or more. Please see here for more details.

Highgate’s Head, Adam Pettitt, commented: ‘I can quite understand the students’ jubilation at their results! Not only is the long wait finally over: students are celebrating phenomenal success in exams which have been designed to test and challenge the ablest and most determined minds. I’m hugely proud of the Class of 2018, and all they have achieved. Their success shows that it’s possible to work beyond exam criteria, to be truly independent and to lead a fully committed life beyond the classroom, and still succeed in thrilling terms. It’s great to think of this generation going on to university and work so well prepared intellectually and emotionally for their future.’

A*              38%

A* - B        96.8%

State School



CONGRATULATIONS to Year 11, Year 13 and their teachers on two remarkable sets of results. Both year groups have continued the long trend of excellence at Wilson’s, a vindication of the hard work of all concerned during this period of national reform. We are  delighted that The Times has ranked us as the highest-performing state school in the country for A level, as well as the top boys’ school in both state and independent sectors. Well done!
Their academic performance, whilst impressive,  is only part of being a true Wilsonian. The staff will miss our newest old boys who have consistently championed the school’s values of kindness, courtesy, service and hard work, set alongside a work hard / play hard mentality, but appreciate the benchmark that has been set by them for our incoming Sixth Formers. 

A*              37.8%

A* - B        90.6%

Independent School



The girls at James Allen’s Girls’ School have delivered an impressive set of A-Level results with 38% of all grades at A* and 76% A* and A. 

In fact, half of all A level subjects offered, gained nothing lower than a grade A this year, with drama achieving a stunning 75% A* and both Geography and Economics with two thirds of all grades at A*.

Headmistress of James Allen’s Girls’ School Sally Anne Huang said:

‘It’s been a challenging time for this set of pupils nationally, with changes to the curriculum driven through too quickly and all the media attention around results.  I am, therefore, doubly proud of the girls at JAGS who have gained such stunning grades and exceptional university places.  They have proven how strong they are and I know that they, like me, will be grateful for the teachers here who went the extra mile to prepare them, sometimes having to teach specifications that had not been confirmed and with very little sample material.’

A*              36%

A* - B        91.1%

Independent School



Our boys and girls have achieved outstanding A level results in 2018, continuing the School’s tradition of exceptional attainment.

Year 13 students and staff alike are delighted with the results, which include these headlines:

  • 36% of all grades awarded were at A*

  • 74% of all grades awarded were at A* or A

  • 91% of all grades awarded were at A*, A or B.

  • 25 individual students gained 3 A* grades or better

  • 83 individual students received at least 3 A* or A grades

Alleyn’s is one of the UK’s best regarded co-educational day schools, and accordingly both our boys and girls performed exceptionally well, with the vast majority progressing to their first-choice university courses. Even as public examinations become more challenging, our 2018 results are amongst the highest ever posted by the School, and include our second-highest ever set of A* grades.

Headmaster Dr Gary Savage said: “Our boys and girls have excelled themselves yet again, and everyone at School is immensely proud of all they have achieved. This is a wonderful set of results not only for our students and their parents, but also for our entire School community who all work so hard to inspire and support the girls and boys to deliver these fantastic outcomes. Alleyn’s is one of the very best co-educational schools in the UK, and I truly believe it is our holistic approach and co-educational ethos that ensures our Leavers make their way in the world as high-achieving, but also kind and well-balanced, young people.”

A*              35.8%

A* - B        87.1%

Independent School


City of Londpn

City boys are celebrating another year of excellent A-level results.  The most common grade to be achieved was an A* (or its pre-U equivalent), with 27 boys securing at least three A* grades.  Over 70 boys were awarded three or more A*s and As, with over 68% of all grades at this level.  It is no surprise, therefore, that so many boys have seen their offers from various Russell Group universities, including Oxford and Cambridge, confirmed.  

The Head, Alan Bird, commented: “I am delighted to see so many exceptional performances from City boys at A-level. When one considers these achievements alongside the broader contributions that the year-group made to life at City, there can be a real sense of pride in what these boys have achieved. The boys have been a wonderful group of young men, and these results reflect their talent and hard work.  We wish them all the very best for the future.” 

A*              35.5%

A* - B       91.4%

Independent School



Congratulations to our 2018 leavers on their excellent A level results. Although it is too soon to have a final picture, the majority pf our candidates have achieved places at their chosen universities. the new A Levels were intended to be significantly tougher for candidates so we are delighted that our 2018 leavers have more than equalled the achievements of recent years, with the most common grade once again being A* (over 35% of examinations) and with nearly 70% of examinations graded at A* or A. Well done to the twenty-eight pupils of a cohort of 127 who achieved 3 or more A*.

A*              34.3%

A* - B        92.5%

State School



“We are delighted that our top year group have once again achieved impressive results.  It is great testament to both students and teachers that they have done so well despite the additional challenges of the new reformed A levels. The year group have also been fully involved in the extensive extra-curricular life of the school and have been an inspiration to our younger students.  We wish them all well as they head off to top universities to study a wide range of subjects.  We want to thank them for all they have done to make HBS such a warm and supportive community and we look forward to hearing about the interesting things they will all go on to do in the future.” 

A*              33.6%

A* - B        91.9%

State School


Kingston Upon Thames

No update on their website yet.


Latymer Upper (exact results TBC)

A*              33.3%

A* - B        66.7%

Independent School


Hammersmith & Fulham

A third of grades were at A* and over two thirds of grades were at A*/A

• 80% of bursary pupils scored at least 3 A grades

• 18 students secured places at top North American universities, including MIT, Princeton, Stanford and Yale and McGill in Canada

• 23 students won places at Oxford and Cambridge

• 10 students secured places for Medicine 

Latymer Upper School Head, David Goodhew, said today: "I’m excited for our Class of 2018 who are looking forward to the next stage in their educational journey and will soon be heading off to become undergraduates – the majority at their first choice university. I’m proud of all our pupils, who work hard both in the classroom and in their many co-curricular activities, making them the well-rounded and lively individuals Latymerians are known for being. I’m particularly proud of our means-tested bursary pupils who are on the way to fulfilling their ambitions of joining the professions of medicine, engineering and academia. My colleagues also deserve praise for their work in supporting and inspiring our pupils throughout their time at Latymer. We wish them well in their further studies.“

A*              33%

A* - B        95%

Independent School



LEH is once again celebrating an excellent set of A level results, with 95 % of its students scoring A* -B and achieving their places at their first choice university in the UK and US.

Heather Hanbury, Head Mistress stated, “We are so proud of our girls. They have worked incredibly hard to achieve these fantastic results. Once again, the girls have excelled themselves. We congratulate all our students and wish them well as they take up their places at university, or begin their gap year. Many of them combined these wonderful A level results with outstanding achievements in sport, music and drama. I would like to thank LEH staff for their unstinting support for the girls, preparing them so well for these exams. And congratulations should also go to parents and carers whose role in these successes should not be forgotten.”

A*              32.7%

A* - B        72.6

Independent School


Hammersmith & Fulham

Very many congratulations to last year’s Upper Sixth who have achieved really excellent results in their A Levels!  A very impressive 72% of A Levels were graded at A* or A this year, with 32% at A*.  Eight of our pupils were awarded either three or four A* grades in their academic subjects, plus an A* grade in their EPQ.

This news comes on top of the extremely strong International Baccalaureate results which arrived earlier in the summer.  Our IB students did exceptionally well, with an average score of 39.7 points each.  Six pupils scored 43 points or more.

We are thrilled that the overwhelming majority of our leavers won places at their first choice of university, including 21 students who will be attending a Global Top Ten institution in the UK or US. 

Behind these headline results are of course many individual stories.  The girls and their teachers deserve our warmest good wishes on these excellent achievements.

A*              31.4%

A* - B        72.5%

State School



A-Level results at St. Olave’s Grammar School are once again outstanding, and consistent with performances in previous years. 94% of the grades secured by Olavians were A* to B with 72% of the grades being A* or A. The average Olavian secured three A grades with 27 students securing three or more A* grades. Andrew Rees, Headteacher, said: “These results are a great testament to the talented students, devoted staff and supportive parents at St. Olave’s Grammar School. League tables and exam results only measure a small part of what makes an outstanding education. Our students’ results deserve celebration. We also look ahead to our students continuing to grow into the best version of themselves whatever they go on to do”

A*              30.8%

A* - B        88.6%

Independent School



Today, Sixth Form pupils at UCS, Hampstead achieved the school's second best ever results at A Level and Pre-U, with 31% of exams graded at A* and 70% graded at A*-A. Impressively, 64 pupils achieved nothing below an A grade.

Headmaster Mark Beard commented, “Along with the rest of the nation, this year group were very aware that they would be the first to discover the consequences of all their subjects (except Maths) being examined at the end of linear, two year courses. They were at it from the very start and worked extremely hard to assimilate the content and thence how to apply it. Huge congratulations to them and their teachers are therefore in order.”

Particular congratulations should be given to the 14 pupils who achieved A* grades (or the Pre-U equivalent) in all of their subjects, and to the Medical School applicants who secured their places. Students are now looking forward to embarking on university courses.  This year a larger number are heading to universities overseas including MIT, UPenn, Columbia (all USA) and McGill (Canada).

UCS is proud of the recent increased provision for means-tested bursaries which makes education at UCS more accessible than ever before. Sixth Form pupils who had received bursaries were extremely successful, and next month will start courses, in Medicine, Mathematics and Chemistry, for example, at institutions such as Oxford University and Imperial College, London. Indeed, three of the pupils who received 100% bursaries collected seven A* and three A grades between them.

A*              30.4%

A* - B        89.7%

Independent School


Richmond Upon Thames

Hamptonians and their families are celebrating another impressive set of A Level and Pre-U results. Over 30% of all exam grades achieved by 2018 leavers were at A* compared with a national average of 8%. 90% of grades were at A*, A or B, confirming Hampton’s place among the country’s highest achieving schools academically.

14 Hamptonians achieved a clean sweep of four A* grades and a further 16 boys each secured three A* grades.

A*              30.1%

A* - B        93.3%

Independent School


Kingston Upon Thames

Students at Kingston Grammar School are today celebrating record-breaking A Level results, the best in the School’s history, and will now be going on to study some of the most sought-after degree courses at internationally renowned universities in the UK and North America.

At a school where academic standards are always high, it is sometimes difficult to raise the bar above your predecessors but the leavers of 2018 have done just that. A* grades alone accounted for over 30% of grades this year with the A*/A grades in excess of two-thirds of all results. Over half of all students achieved at least one A* grade and the average grade for all A Levels was an A.

A*              29.2%

A* - B        92.4%

Independent School



No update on their website yet.

A*              29%

A* - B        84.8%

State School



Congratulations to all the students who received their A Level results today.  Once again, due to the hard work of staff and students alike, the school community has much to be proud of.  Bucking the national trend, overall attainment this year was higher than last!

28% of all grades awarded were A* with 32% being graded A and 24% B, leaving us with the headline figures of 60% A*A and 84% A*B.

99.9% of all entries secured a pass grade and 28 students now have confirmed places at Oxbridge.

A huge thank you must also go to our parents and carers who have loved, encouraged, cajoled and supported their young people every step of the way through their Owen’s career but especially these last months; surviving the examination season is no easy feat.

We wish all of our students the very best for their next chapter of their lives; we hope you all keep in touch but we hope you have a super and well-earned break before that.