I’ve listed the 2017/18 Top London School A'level Results by both A* and by A* to B grades. My list is based purely on A'level results, without Pre-U or Extended Project Qualification., this allows for a fairer comparison between State and Independent schools. 

The following schools have not been included due to incomplete data:  St Pauls (Barnes - Boys - Independent), The London Oratory School (Chelsea - Co-Ed - State), Channing School (Highgate - Girls - Independent), Harrodian School (Barnes - Co-Ed - Independent), Whitgift School (Croydon - Boys - Independent)

A*              7.9%

A* - B        56.6%

State School



Website not updated yet.

A*              7.9%

A* - B        63.4%

State School



A record breaking 27 students have attained all A*/A grades with over 30 % of all grades at A*/A. 63% of all grades are A*-B grades which is a terrific improvement on last year. An increase of 10%! Four students have secured places at Oxford University and many students will be taking up places at a range of Russell Group universities. These results are a testament to the hard work of students and  teachers. We thank our parents for their  continued support.

A*              7.8%

A* - B        69.8%

Independent School




Our A-level students were thrilled today to collect their exam results across a remarkably diverse range of subjects, and to celebrate students’ straight A results, Head teacher, Mrs Chandler-Thompson, is changing the name of the school to Blaaaackheath High School for one day only.

Head Teacher, Mrs Chandler-Thompson “We are so proud of every single one of our girls and their achievements. It is fantastic to have such great results and wonderful to see our girls, many of whom joined us aged 3 or aged 11, transform into outstanding young women who I have no doubt will go on to smash many glass ceilings. It is not just their academic achievements but also their contribution to school life through participation in sports teams, art, drama, clubs and societies I’d like to thank them for. To celebrate the girls’ achievements, we thought it would be fun to change our school name for the day to Blaaaackheath High School!”

A*              7.6%

A* - B        58.3%

Independent School



John Lyon A-Level results confirm entry to Oxford, Cambridge, London and other leading universities

The strength of a broad, rounded education has once again been reflected in John Lyon A-Level results and university entry success.

With one third of all their exams graded either A* or A on Thursday 16th August, John Lyon’s newest set of former pupils will soon head to universities across the country, from Durham to Exeter, to read subjects including law, medicine, economics, engineering, history, geography, politics, classics and modern languages.

Of the 2018 Upper Sixth cohort of 74 students, one-in-six achieved all A* / A grades, 15 boys received at least one A* and 21 boys can boast at least two A* / A grades.

And it is this breadth of success and talent which particularly pleases John Lyon Head, Katherine Haynes. She said: “Seeing excellent A-level results on paper is always pleasing and is a reflection of the skill and hard work of our students and teachers alike. These results are important in unlocking the next exciting phases of our pupils’ lives.

“But it is more pleasing to know that John Lyon boys will now head off around the country to continue their education with a great depth of skills and experience in other areas of life, whether that be on the sports field, in the music hall, on the stage or in volunteering and community work.

“I am always delighted to hear from former pupils who have gone on to achieve great things and who are happy in their chosen paths, and I have no doubt I will hear from the Class of 2018 in years to come with more stories of great personal and professional success.”

A*              7.5%

A* - B        58.9%

State School



Website not updated yet.

A*              7.4%

A* - B        62.2%

State School



Congratulations to all our year 2 students on another ‘outstanding’ set of A level results. Once again, the hard work, dedication and commitment of the students here at St Dominic’s has manifested itself in results that are 10% above the national average and will afford them the opportunity to carry on the next stage of their journey at university or in employment.

Commenting on the 2018 results, Principal, Andrew Parkin said:

"The A level examination system remains a gold standard qualification globally and to be successful in these exams requires real tenacity and hard-work.  We, the staff of the College, are immensely proud and indeed humbled by our students success this year and wish them all the very best for the next stage of their journey".

A*              7.4%

A* - B        45.1%

State School


Hammersmith & Fulham

The first A Level cohort of the West London Free School achieved excellent results. 29% of the grades were A*-A and 45% A*-B. 11% of all pupils achieved exclusively A*s and As. These are truly outstanding outcomes. At least 33 students will be studying at Russell Group universities; at least 75% of our Year 13 students are going to university and this number will increase, as some are applying through Clearing today. Overall, 95% of our pupils are going on to study in Higher Education.

We are particularly pleased that several girls achieved top grades in STEM subjects and will be going to study on a wide range of competitive courses at Russell Group universities, such as Design Engineering at Imperial, Biomedical Sciences at Queen Mary’s, Maths with Computer Science at Southampton, Physics at Queen’s Belfast and Physics at Edinburgh.

These are just some of the excellent results achieved by the first cohort of Sixth Formers from the West London Free School. Some of these pupils were with us from the start of the school in 2011, whilst others have joined us along with way, including coming in new to the Sixth Form. Many other

students have met their offers from their first or second choice of university and are going to study a wide range of subjects, in addition to those mentioned above, such as Law, History, Economics, International Relations, Music and Criminology. We also have students who have gained places at Art College and also some who have decided to follow the apprenticeship route. I am extremely proud of all of their achievements and congratulate all of the students and staff on these excellent grades andon winning places at the country’s top universities.

A*              7.3%

A* - B        54.4%

State School




Tallis is clearly an exceptional place to study.

Tallis continues to be in the top 15% of all Sixth Forms in Britain. Our performance as an institution remains consistent year-on-year and student achievement remains outstanding.
Over two hundred students took A-level or BTEC exams at Thomas Tallis in 2018. 24% of A-level students obtained A*/A grades, and 54% achieved A*-B grades. The pass rate in all our A-level subjects was 99%, two percentage points above the national average of 97%. Two thirds of BTEC students obtained Distinction or starred Distinction grades. We achieve these remarkable results with minimal entry criteria, asking only for moderate GCSE grades or better.  Overall, forty students gained ABB or better. 
Over 170 students from Thomas Tallis are taking up university places, with very many of our applicants going on to Russell Group universities – we anticipate that almost a third will do so. Almost two thirds of our students are going on to the ‘Russell Group Plus’ – that is, top-10-for-subject, highly specialist single-faculty institutions such as SOAS, and the Russell Group institutions themselves.

Lastly, our Higher Apprenticeship candidates are also off to a flying start, with Tallis students shortly due to start apprenticeships in a range of fields.

A*              7.2%

A* - B        62.2%

State School



Congratulations to all of our Year 13 students on achieving an outstanding set of A Level results.

In particular,

  • Just under 1 in 3 of all A Level examinations were awarded an A*/A grade

  • Just under 2 in 3 of all A Level examinations were awarded an A*/B grade

  • 65 students achieved at least 3 A*-B grades

  • 17 students achieved at least 3 A*/A grades

  • 3 students in particular deserve special recognition for achieving A* grades in 3 of their subjects.

A*              7%

A* - B        60.9%

State School



Y13 students excelled themselves and met our high expectations, with nearly all Y13 students securing their first choice of university.  Almost 60% of all A Level entries were graded at A*-B and one in five entries attained an A* or A grade. We are incredibly PROUD of the achievements of our students and wish them well in the future studies at university.

A*              6.9%

A* - B        61.4%

State Schooll



Students at Coloma Convent Girls’ School have achieved outstanding A Level results for 2018, with 24.6% of grades being A*/A and 61.4% at A*/B. The Year 12 students following STEM subjects also took the AS examinations with great success, 27.9% of students achieving an A grade in AS Mathematics and similarly encouraging results in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The Head of Sixth Form, Mrs Anne-Marie Stott said, “We are extremely proud of our students, of the excellent results they have achieved and of the progress they have made during their time in the Sixth Form.”

Students choosing not to apply to University had already been successful in many alternative fields, for example, gaining apprenticeships with employers such as AECOM. Coloma is also very happy to report that subjects such as music and modern foreign languages, which are under threat in some sixth forms and colleges, continue to thrive at Coloma. As a girls’ school we are also pleased to have excellent results in Mathematics, Physics and other STEM subjects.

Mrs Jackie Johnson, Headteacher, said, “I congratulate all the girls on achieving such fantastic results, which are a credit to their hard work, but that also reflect the commitment and enthusiasm provided by the staff and governors of the school, as well as the support offered by families and friends. Coloma students have a record of achieving great success in degree courses and in careers as diverse as medicine, teaching, banking, sports or the performing arts. Whatever their future may bring, we are happy that all students leave Coloma not only with strong employment skills but with the values and community spirit that enable them to play a full role in society in the future. We wish them all every success and happiness in the future.”

A*              6.8%

A* - B        73.8%

State School



Sacred Heart Catholic School in Camberwell is once again celebrating an outstanding set of A Level results, with an anticipated 90% of Year 13 pupils having achieved their first or second choice of further education establishment.

All 76 pupils in Year 13 sat A Level exams, with 90% of entries graded between A* and C. 30% of all entries were an A* or A grade while 70% were graded between an A* and B. 

Headteacher Mr Serge Cefai commented: “Despite ongoing concerns relating to national assessment criteria and changes to A Level curricula and syllabi, I am delighted that we are once again able to celebrate an outstanding set of A Level results at Sacred Heart school. For 30% of all entries by our pupils to be graded at A or A* is an excellent return.

“Furthermore, 70% of all A Levels sat by our pupils were graded between an A* and B, which is a stunning reflection of the hard work of our pupils and staff. I wish all our Year 13s the best of luck in their further education.”

A*              6.8%

A* - B        58.3%

State School


Kingston Upon Thames

Hollyfield Sixth Form once again proved its commitment to excellence by achieving its best ever A Level results; surpassing national A-level trends. 30% of all grades awarded to Hollyfield students were A*-A, 58% were at A*-B, 82% of all grades were at A*-C and there was an overall pass rate of 99.5%.  In subjects such as Maths, Economics, Fine Art, Business Studies and Spanish students attained particularly well, with 80% of all subject grades being A*-B. In Maths a fantastic 60% of students achieved A*-A grades and in Philosophy a record of 4 students achieved A* grades. Students across all ability levels performed exceptionally well with value added measures indicating that the sixth form is in the top 10% of all sixth forms and colleges in the country.

Head Teacher Mr Maltby responded to this outstanding set of results “I am so proud of our students for the hard work and resilience they have shown. I also want to thank all their teachers for their extraordinary commitment to our young people alongside the leadership of our Head of Sixth Form Mr Warren. What is fantastic about these results is the success for different students on different pathways and shows the school’s continued commitment to personalised learning and the inclusive ethos of the Every Child Every Day Academy Trust”.  

A*              6.7%

A* - B        47.2%

State School


Richmond upon Thames

The hard work and determination of Richmond Park Academy students were rewarded when the 2017/18 A level results were published today. Students across the sixth form achieved a 96% pass rate; an increase on last year with 47% achieving A* - B, a 4% increase on the 2016/17 results. 

Reviewing the results, Principal Paul Mundy-Castle said, “I am extremely proud of the continuing upward trajectory of our A Level results, especially when these results are based on more challenging A level examinations. Our 6th form is growing on a year by year basis which is a testament to the level of attention that our teachers pay to each and every student.”

Head of 6th form, Mary-Jane Blease added, “This is great news for our talented 6 formers who now leave us for higher education and an endorsement for our hard working 6th form team who identify every opportunity to get the best out of their students – many of whom have been with us at Richmond Park Academy since Year 7. Well done to everyone involved!”

A*              6.1%

A* - B        54.8%

State School



Website not updated yet.

A*              5.8%

A* - B        53.8%

State School



Sixth-form students at Croydon’s Oasis Academy Shirley Park are looking forward to taking their next steps today after they secured the Academy’s best ever A-level results. 

A level grades have risen significantly again with half of pupils achieving the top grades of A*, A and B and the pass rate remains at a fantastic 99%

Many of the students have achieved superb individual results. 

Merlin Kelly was the highest achieving student, gaining an A* and three A grades Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Physics. He is off to UCL to study Mathematics.  

Georgia Walters gained two A*s and an A grade and will go on to the University of Sussex. Merade Headly gained an A and two Bs and is also going to the University of Sussex.

Mr Browne and Ms Lee at Oasis Academy Shirley Park said: “What a wonderful set of results for our sixth-form students.  We are deeply proud of our students’ success this year which are the best we have ever had.”

“These young people now leave us with the qualifications that they need to go on to university and beyond, confident in the fantastic grades that they have achieved - we wish them all the very best for in their future endeavours.”

“Credit too, to the staff from across the Academy – many of our sixth-form students have been with us throughout their secondary education and so today is the culmination of many years of study and progress.”

A*              5.5%

A* - B        49.8%

Independent School



Five of Fine Arts College’s many happy A level students celebrated receiving their top A* grades. Overall the results were up on last year with 20% A* and A grades and 50% A*-B. All five students pictured achieved A* in Fine Art and Athen Brady (left) also received A grades in Philosophy, English Literature and History of Art. Isabella Willis (centre) achieved a second A* grade, in History of Art, plus A grades in English Literature and Philosophy. Carlotta de la Noy (second from right) also won an A* grade in Textile Design.

Octavia de Clare has secured a place at Lincoln College, Oxford to study Modern Languages with A* grades in English Literature and French and an A in Italian.

A*              5.1%

A* - B        47.3%

State School



Website not updated yet.

A*              3.9%

A* - B        48.4%

State School



Langley Park School for Girls is pleased with its 2018 A-level and Applied (vocational) results, particularly in the context of more challenging courses and criteria. From 592 A-level entries 96% achieved A* -E grades. 11 students achieved 3 or more A and A* grades. Over 80% of candidates have places at their first choice of university.

Commenting on the results, the school's Headteacher, Dr Anne Hudson said: "I would like to congratulate our hardworking staff and students on their achievements this year.” The school’s average point scores for several subjects, including French, German, History and Level 3 BTEC Science are in the top 25% of all Post 16 subjects nationally. The percentage of students achieving A/A* grades is also in the top 25% for French, Further Maths, German, ICT, Religious Studies, Food, Film and PE. Our students continue to achieve outstanding results in creative subjects, particularly Dance and Drama, with 100% A* – C grades. 

A*              3.9%

A* - B        39.6%

State School



Website not updated yet.

A*              3.8%

A* - B        34.9%

State School



Website not updated yet.

A*              3.7%

A* - B        48.5%

State School



A Level results also continue to be very strong, with 49% of A Levels awarded an A*, A or B.

A huge well done to everyone involved and especially to the pupils for their results.

A*              3.7%

A* - B        51.3%

State School



The John Fisher School has once again sustained its excellent A-level and BTEC results record achieving 51% A*-A grades and 68% A*-B. Headteacher, Mr McCullagh, stated “for over half of all grades achieved in our Sixth Form to be A* or A grades across our A-levels and Btec’s is exceptional and with 68% A*-B grades we are obviously delighted. We smashed our A*-A target by almost 10% which is fantastic and to increase the percentage of A*-B grades by 12% on last year is superb. At a time of increased rigour and change at Key Stage 5 our teaching staff and Sixth Form team have been able to guide our students to achieve these wonderful outcomes.” 

Mr McCullagh stated that "we were confident what this year group could achieve on the back of a successful year for the school. I would like to congratulate Year 13 on their excellent results and wish the students every success in the future. These outcomes confirm Ofsted’s statements in January about our Sixth Form in that it is ‘very successful’ and ‘students achieve highly at A-level’. Our sustained positive outcomes are as a result of the sharply focused determination of the teachers and the dogged persistence of our Sixth Form team. The Sixth Form is well led and we have leaders who think ambitiously, work collaboratively and are thoughtful about details. We have assembled another high performing group of Sixth Form tutors for next year who once they have had the opportunity to reconnect with life outside of school this summer will return feeling energised and raring to go. We rely heavily on help from our support staff, Governors, the John Fisher Association, the Diocese and the Local Authority. I hope that all of these stakeholders can share in the success of these results. I feel fortunate to work alongside staff members who not only prepare students effectively for examinations but provide extended learning opportunities and broaden the horizons of our young people as well. Members of our community feel a warm affinity to The John Fisher School and there is real collective vibrancy.

A*              3.3%

A* - B        52.9%

Independent School



The class of 2018 achieved well across the 24 A-level and BTEC subjects with an A*/B percentage of 52.9% at A Level and 93.3% Distinction*/Distinction in the BTEC Performing Arts. This is the last year the school will be offering the BTEC qualification, and these excellent results are a great way to end with the BTEC.

Head of Sixth Form, Edward Hawkins said “The class of 2018 have performed admirably across all subjects. We are pleased with the grades that they have achieved and the success they have had in securing places at prestigious institutions for next year. Our pupils manage to achieve highly even with the demands of a dual curriculum and deserve credit for their hard work and perseverance. A special mention needs to be made to the teachers involved with teaching the A Level and BTEC subjects, as without their passion, dedication and commitment, these grades would not be possible.”

Tring Park currently offers a wide range of A Level courses; significantly more than any other performing arts school.  It prides itself on producing trained performers who have also achieved a high standard academically, so that they have the highest possible chance of success in the future, and are not restricted in their career choices.

A*              3%

A* - B        62.7%

Independent School



Croydon High School GDST is proud to announce that the Class of 2018 are celebrating excellent A level results, with its usual 100% pass rate at A level and almost a third of all grades awarded being A*- A. 87% of all the grades awarded were A*- C. Amongst the widespread discussion around this year’s more challenging A level examinations, we are delighted that Croydon High’s results have held firm.

Headmistress Emma Pattison is particularly proud of this cohort who, she says, have faced the changes to the examination system head on and worked tenaciously to achieve their success:

‘I pass on my congratulations to every single girl in our outgoing Upper Sixth and my thanks to the incredibly committed teachers who have supported them throughout the past two years. This spirited and determined year group leaves us with far more than just their excellent academic results. They have contributed so much to the life of the school during their time here. They are ambitious, not only for their own future success, but also for their personal happiness. As they pursue a great variety of different pathways, they take with them a love of their school, which has grown over the years, and also our very best wishes for every continued success and happiness. We are very proud of each and every one of them.’

Diversity of interest and ambition is always celebrated at Croydon High and the school is very proud of the way it seeks to recognise and nurture every girl’s individual talents and unique aspirations.

Head of Sixth Form, Dr Philip Purvis explains: ‘We spend a great deal of time and effort to ensure that girls develop their own personal brand so that they can stand out, with confidence, at university and beyond. This is brilliantly demonstrated in the diversity of institutions and subjects that our students have chosen and secured as a result of their hard work and determination. Students and staff alike should be rightly proud of these results which were garnered in the face of widespread qualification reform.’

The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is an excellent example of the way girls furrow their own academic path. This award, representing an additional half an A level, and taken by the majority of girls at Croydon High, is valued by prestigious universities who believe it effectively showcases research and presentations skills as well as helping to nurture greater breadth of study and a lifelong love of learning.