I’ve listed the 2017/18 Top London School A'level Results by both A* and by A* to B grades. My list is based purely on A'level results, without Pre-U or Extended Project Qualification., this allows for a fairer comparison between State and Independent schools. 

The following schools have not been included due to incomplete data:  St Pauls (Barnes - Boys - Independent), The London Oratory School (Chelsea - Co-Ed - State), Channing School (Highgate - Girls - Independent), Harrodian School (Barnes - Co-Ed - Independent), Whitgift School (Croydon - Boys - Independent)

A*              28.2%

A* - B        94.1%

Independent School



Congratulations to the Upper 6 on a fantastic set of A Level Results. Just under 30% of all grades were awarded an A* and 70% a grade A* or A. Some 94% of all A Levels taken were awarded an A* – B grade. 27 students, about a quarter of the year, achieved two or more A* grades, twelve of whom attained three or more of the top grades.

The achievements of the students will allow the vast majority to take up their first choice university offers and we are so proud of the achievements of every one of them.

It is always the case that the success of the whole year is celebrated on A Level Results Day but there will be many individual stories of students overcoming their own hurdles and challenges when receiving their grades today. All achievements are as a consequence of the encouragement they have received from their dedicated teachers, support staff, parents and the care shown to the students by each other. We thank everyone who has helped to contribute to the success of our outgoing Upper 6th, especially in their time at Habs, whether they began at age 16, 11 or in the Junior School and especially their teachers who go beyond the mere norm to help everyone to achieve their very best.

Good luck Class of 2018 in whatever you choose to do. You are all extraordinary and we wish you all the very best in whatever lies next. Do stay in touch and we look forward to welcoming you back as Old Girls before too long.

A*              27.2%

A* - B        88%

Independent School



Dulwich College Year 13 students received their A level results this morning. It's a pleasure to report that 27% of the exams they sat were awarded A* grades, with 79 boys achieving all A or A* grades, 32 boys achieving 3 A*s or better. 88% of papers were awarded grades of A*/A/B.

Senior staff and Heads of Departments have spent the day helping boys finalise their university destinations. 201 boys have had secured either their firm or insurance offers with 26 securing their Oxford and Cambridge places and 6 going on to medical schools. We are hearing of excellent placements through adjustment and clearing too.

Dr Joe Spence, The Master, records: “The good efforts of the Year 13 students and their teachers have been rewarded, in the results awarded and in the confirmation of their next destinations. We're very proud of the achievements of the Class of 2018."

A*              26.6%

A* - B        93.2%

Independent School



“These are a phenomenal set of results, amounting to a 20% improvement in A Level grades in the past five years. They are testament to the hard work of the girls and the wonderful and inspiring teaching within departments.

“I am particularly delighted that within a cohort that sees almost half of leavers buck any unconscious bias as they head off to study STEM subjects at university, 38% of girls achieved amazing results combining STEM and Humanities. These are well-rounded, intellectually agile students who embody our holistic approach and who, with brilliant problem solving skills and a can-do attitude, will have so much to give to their academic courses and work beyond. We know they are destined for jobs and careers that we can as yet not even imagine, but where the creativity and resilience they have demonstrated in in their lessons and in their co-curricular life will enable them to go out into the world and shake it up.”

A*              26%

A* - B        90%

Independent School



Our pupils had reason to celebrate today as A Level results were published across the country.

90% of grades were A*, A or B, 64% were A*-A, and 26% of entries were awarded A*, an improvement on last year and the second best measure for the School since A*s were introduced in 2010.

47 students achieved three A grades or better, and 11 students achieved three A*grades or better, out of 131 candidates. Overall, the School achieved a 100% pass rate for the tenth year in row.

Alasdair Kennedy, Trinity’s Headmaster, said: “We are very proud of what our students have achieved in these exams, and their results will give them access to the world’s best universities and colleges, as well as competitive apprenticeships.  They are highly capable young people, and they, their teachers and those who have supported them will also recognise the character and skills that they have developed through their study for these exams are just as important as their results, and will prepare them to be positive contributors and leaders in their communities.”

A*              25.6%

A* - B        84.2%

State School



Website not updated.

A*              24.8%

A* - B        87.7%

State School



Congratulations to our Year 13 students who have achieved an outstanding set of A Level Results. 

We have seen a 2% increase in the number of A* grades; the percentage achieved this year was 25%. 

The percentage of students who achieved A*/A grades was 62%, which is a 3% increase on those attained in 2016/17. The percentage of A*/B grades was 87%. 

In light of the new terminal exams and exam syllabi these results are particularly impressive. 

I would like to thank all staff and students for their excellent work, and also you, the parents, for all of your support. 

We wish Y13 leavers every success for the future.

A*              24.8%

A* - B        85.5%

State School


Kingston Upon Thames

We are delighted that once again the Tiffin Sixth Form students have achieved outstanding A-level results. With 85% of grades at A*-B, these results match last year’s fantastic achievement, and are even more impressive in the light of the new ‘linear’ A Levels. As a result of this excellent performance, most students have been accepted onto their chosen courses or universities. Many congratulations to all students, who we wish all the best as they enter their next phase of life.

A*              24%

A* - B        93.1%

Independent School



Many congratulations to the 2018 Leavers for their excellent A Level results.

  • 26% of entries were graded A* (three times the national average).

  • 65% of entries were graded A* or A.

  • 93% of entries were graded A*-B.

This is testament to the girls’ enthusiasm and perseverance, and the support and dedication of their teachers. At a time of uncertainty in the media about new A Level qualifications, we are very pleased that the girls have taken this in their stride

They now head off to a wide range of courses and universities, whether Medicine at Cambridge, Classics at Oxford, Natural Sciences at Durham, or Music Production at the British and Irish Modern Music Institute. It has been such a pleasure seeing every girl finding the right path for them and doing so well.

A*              23.8%

A* - B        92.9%

Independent School



There were celebrations at Putney today, with two thirds of A level entries at A* or A grade with almost one quarter at A*. 93 per cent are at A* – B grade – amongst our best ever. These results mean that our students are heading to some of the best universities in the UK and overseas on courses from Medicine, Law and Economics to Music, Fashion and Liberal Arts.

A*              22.6%

A* - B        81%

Independent School


Kensington & Chelsea

We are delighted with this year’s excellent A Level results (a significant improvement on last year’s, shown in brackets):

A* grades: 22.6% (20%)

A*/A: 52% (45%)

A*- B: 81% (75%)

A*-C: 93% (92%)

Pass rate: 100% 

Almost all subjects (with the exception of history of art and mathematics) have now moved over to the new linear specifications with MFL, geography and music being examined for the first time this year. The results for English Literature (7A* and 1A) and History of Art (4A* and 1B) are particularly impressive!

Our Year 13s applied themselves very seriously and with great endeavour to their studies, many of them making remarkable progress since the GCSE examinations, and were superbly supported (as ever) by their dedicated and generous teachers.

A*              22.5%

A* - B        75.7%

Independent School



Sixth Formers at Francis Holland School, Regent’s Park, celebrated another year of outstanding A level results, with a record number of A* grades.  

Nearly a quarter of results were graded at A*and 55% graded at A* or A. 18 students achieved straight A* or A grades with 5 students gaining the top grade in all their subjects.  

Girls are going on to some of the most successful universities in the world to study a range of subjects. Amy Hobson, who achieved 4 A* grades in the three sciences and maths, will be studying Natural Sciences at St Catherine’s College, Cambridge. 

Our Head Girl, Tabitha Dickson (3 A* grades) will be reading Theology at Corpus Christi College Cambridge and Helena McBurney (2 A* grades) will read English at Newnham College Cambridge. In addition, Andie MacArther will be studying Art at the prestigious Central St Martins College of Art and Design. 

Mr Fillingham, the Headmaster, praised both the pupils and the staff: “Francis Holland School is going from strength to strength. These excellent examination results are richly deserved and they come as a result of consistent hard-work. I am delighted that our A level candidates have been so successful again this year; we wish them future happiness and success.”

A*              21.2%

A* - B        90.2%

Independent School



We are delighted to be celebrating yet another rise in A level results along with fantastic offers from some of the country’s most prestigious universities. Students achieved an outstanding set of results with 62% A*/A grades and 90% A*- B grades, a strong increase on the from the results achieved in 2017.

A*              20.5%

A* - B        73.8%

State School



Congratulations to our Year 13 students who have smashed last year’s post-16 success. Combining A levels grades with International Baccalaureate Diploma equivalents, 21% of grades were A*s, 48% were A*/A and 74% were A*-B grades. 8 Oxbridge places secured and well over 90% of students into their first or second choice of university.

152 students gained 556 A levels while 102 students gained the IB Diploma (over 95% of these IB students have already had their first or second choice of Universities confirmed before A level results were published today). When combined and expressed as A level equivalents, all 252 students gained a staggering average of 157 new UCAS points each, the equivalent of achieving more than 1A* and 2 As at A level or a 4 A level equivalence of nearly 4 B grades.

At A level, over a quarter (29%) of all the grades were A* or A and 47% of students gained the UCAS equivalent of 3 A grades (both about 10% up on last year). Ben Leadbetter and Abigail Marus both achieved 3A*s & 1A while Swechha Kansakar, Henry Murati and Jake Turner all gained 4 A*/A grades. 16 students achieved at least 3 A*/A grades.  67 students achieved at least 3 A*-B grades and two-thirds of all students achieved 4 A levels. The average point score for the A level cohort of 138 is equivalent to a little below 3 A grades.

These grades sustain Bexley Grammar School’s remarkable success rate in gaining university places - more than 90% of students into a first or second choice university. We are celebrating another very successful Oxbridge intake from BGS: 8 places - 6 Oxford and 2 Cambridge, including one student studying Medicine at Oxford.

Congratulations to all BGS students and their teachers who should be extremely proud, as should their parents. Good luck to all students as they embark on the next exciting chapter in their lives.

A*              20.2%

A* - B        78.1%

State School



- 20% of all grades are A* - up from 18% in 2017
- 49% of all grades are A* - A
- 78% of all grades at A* - B
- 93  % of all grades at A*-C

I am delighted to announce that Year 13 students at Camden School for Girls have achieved an excellent set of A level examination results. Once again our sixth form students have out-performed students nationally by a very significant margin.

We are absolutely thrilled that 17 students have gained places at Cambridge or Oxford, 7 have places at medical school and one is through to study dentistry.

Exceptional grades achieved in the sixth form’s most popular subjects, English, mathematics, history and the sciences; very strong performance across ‘facilitating subjects’.

With 103 students, English Literature is the school’s most popular subject, and we’re thrilled to see 91% achieving A* - B grades here.  

Mathematics is the second most popular, with 99 students taking it through to A level, and gaining stunning results with 74% at A* - B grades. A number of students took further mathematics (12) and a staggering 100% achieved A* - B grades. 

There was also strong performance across the three sciences (biology, chemistry, physics) with 109 students taking one or more science A level and achieving 66% A* - B grades.

These are exceptionally strong results, reflecting extremely hard work by students and teachers, and consistent support from parents. Our students are ambitious and determined to achieve to the best of their ability, and these grades demonstrate that their effort and dedication over challenging two year courses have been worthwhile.

This year students and teachers faced particular challenges because many A levels were reformed for 2018.  This meant teachers had no past papers or previous experience of the syllabus to refer to in preparation for the exams.  It’s therefore especially pleasing to see grades going up at Camden School for Girls.

Congratulations to all!

Elizabeth Kitcatt

A*              19.4%

A* - B        89.8%

State School




19.4% A *s Best ever !!

90.0%  A*-B  Best since 2013

A*              19.3%

A* - B        87.7%

Independent School



Despite the rain, and the added challenge of newly reformed A levels, South Hampstead High School students continued to shine this results day, with two thirds (67%) of entries awarded A*/As.

Over a third (36%) of students achieved a clean sweep of straight A*/As, with 41% of students achieving at least one A* grade. Students also excelled in the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) again this year – the independent research project that allows students to explore their interests and ability beyond the A level curriculum. Over a quarter of Upper Sixth students took the EPQ this year, all achieving A*/As and an impressive 81% gaining the top A* grade.

These grades have secured students places at top universities on a diverse range of courses, with a broadly even split between those going on to study Science-based vs Humanities-based degrees. We are proud of all that the girls have achieved and all that they have contributed to the life and community of South Hampstead. We wish each and every student well as they embark on their next chapter and look forward to welcoming them to back to hear about their future successes.

A*              19.1%

A* - B        79%

State School


Kensington & Cheelsea

  • 19% of all grades were A*.

  • 51% of grades were A* & A.

  • A third of the year group of 164 pupils got three A grades or higher.

  • 59% of the year group secured grades AAB or higher.

  • 13 pupils attained entry into Oxford and Cambridge.

  • The Vaughan is, according to The Times, the top state Catholic comprehensive in the country and the second highest-performing overall.


St Helen's School

A*              19%

A* - B        80%

Independent School



In yet another outstanding year of A level success, girls from St Helen’s School in Northwood were delighted to receive impressive A Level results which will enable them to embark upon the most competitive courses at the most prestigious universities, including Oxford, Cambridge, LSE and Imperial College and go on to become leaders in their professions and communities.

Continuing the school’s strong track record of academic excellence, 19% of all A Levels awarded were A*s, while an impressive 80% were graded A*- B.

St Helen’s prides itself on being a school where girls are encouraged to choose subjects which inspire and challenge them and where exceptional teaching enables students to be bold in questioning and enquiring, and creative and original in their thinking. This approach enables girls to achieve academic excellence in a very broad range of academic disciplines. There were outstanding results in Geography with 100% of pupils achieving A or A* grades. In Classics 100% of grades were A*. Success was also achieved in Modern Foreign Languages with 100% A*- B grades. 85% of Maths results were A or A* grades and in Further Maths all pupils gained an A* grade. In Economics 70% of grades were A or A*.

At St Helen’s, excellent academic results are only part of the story. Through the extensive co-curricular programme girls are given opportunities to expand their horizons, to discover their talents for sport, music and performing arts, and to make a rich contribution to the wider community. As Head Girl Beth says, “St Helens is not an exam factory, it is a good person factory.” Our students challenge themselves to excel, going beyond their limits to become well-rounded and well-grounded compassionate global citizens.

A*              18.6%

A* - B        80%

State School



Website not updated.

A*              18.5%

A* - B        90.1%

State School



This summer, our Class of 2018 achieved record-breaking results : 60% of all grades were A*-A, 90% were A*-B and our average grade was an A.  For value added, LAE ranked in the top 1% of schools and sixth form colleges for the fourth year running.

A*              18.1%

A* - B        70%

State School



We are also pleased to inform you that the A Level results are also very strong.

44% of the grades awarded are A*-A, 65% are A*-B and 85% are in the A*-C range.

We are especially delighted with our Maths A Level results: 72% of the grades were A*/A.

There were many outstanding individual performances with a number of students gaining 3 or more A*s.

Natan Maurer, who has secured a place to study Law at Cambridge with 4 A*s commented: I am incredibly pleased with these results, which I could not have achieved without the help of the network of teachers both inside and outside lessons, and the support of fellow students within Hasmonean. The leadership of the school has created an environment in which I and many others are able to reach their full potential.

Yonina Jaffe who has secured a place to study Veterinary Medicine at Cambridge with 3 A*s, commented: I am thrilled with my results and so grateful for all the support of my school and teachers! Hasmonean gave me the confidence to make a real go at sciences and I’m excited to continue this at the next stage in university.

The vast majority of students will go on to study at yeshiva and seminary and then take up places at prestigious institutions which include Cambridge and other Russell Group universities.

Congratulations to all of those students who have fulfilled their potential, especially to those who have outperformed their target grades, and to all of staff at Hasmonean who helped them to achieve them.

A*              17.8%

A* - B        86.2%

Independent School


Kingston Upon Thames

Website not updated.

A*              16.7%

A* - B        78.9%

Independent School


Kensington & Chelsea

Today’s rain has not dampened our spirits this morning, as we celebrated our A Level results.

We are delighted with the girls’ results with almost 54% being A/A* and 96% being A*-C. The girls and staff have worked very hard to achieve these excellent results and they all deserve our congratulations.

Mrs Kamaryc, the Principal, commented, ‘We are sad to say goodbye to such an excellent cohort, but they have exciting new adventures ahead as they set off to University, both in the UK and States, Art Colleges and Gap Years. The staff and I congratulate all the girls and wish them every success and happiness in the future – remember that you will always be Queen’s Gate girls and we look forward to your visits back to School!’

A*              16.2%

A* - B        79.4%

State School



Girls have responded magnificently to the reformed A-Levels, and they and their teachers and parents had much to celebrate on results day. 

79% of the 476 exam entries this year were awarded A* to B grades with 16% achieving the top A* grade designed to recognise the highest levels of achievement.  Seven girls achieved a clean sweep of A* grades across all their subjects and a total of 40 students had straight A* / A grades.

Woodford students will be taking up places at universities all over Britain in October. 10 girls have places confirmed at Oxford or Cambridge. 

We congratulate every one of our A-Level candidates.  We are very proud of their achievements.

A*              16%

A* - B        69%

State School


Hammersmith & Fulham

Many congratulations to all Year 13 students at Lady Margaret School for their excellent A Level results this summer! Overall 87% of grades were A*-C and 69% of grades attained were A*-B. 43% of grades were A*-A, a significant increase from 36% in 2017. Nineteen girls attained at least three A/A* grades at A Level, which is a fantastic achievement. This Autumn our girls will be starting courses in many different subjects, at universities right across the country, including History of Art at Oxford, Spanish and Portuguese at Oxford, Physics with Theoretical Physics at Imperial College London, Medicine at Nottingham, Medicine at Leeds, History at LSE, Law at King’s College London and Middle Eastern Studies at SOAS. Eleven girls will be starting Art Foundation courses. Once again our Fine Art A Level results are outstanding with 7 girls attaining an A* grade in Fine Art. There were 4 A* grades each in History, in English and in Mathematics. In French, Geography, Fine Art, History, Music, Spanish and RS no student attained below a C grade.

Congratulations to all of our Year 13 students who worked incredibly hard last year, many overcoming significant challenges outside their academic studies; these results are a testament to their commitment to their studies, and to the dedication of our staff in preparing the girls for the public examinations. We wish everyone well as they begin a new stage of their education!

A*              16%

A* - B        78.7%

State School



Congratulations to all our students who have achieved so much in their 2018 A Level Examinations. You worked tirelessly to reach the heights that you have and I wish you every success in the next stage of your education. Your results are very impressive overall with 52% of grades being at A* _ A (up 2% on last year) and 94% being at A* - C (up 6% on last year). you are a wonderful year group who will be remembered for your diligence, confidence and love for the school. should you ever require any support or assistance in your future lives please do not hesitate to contact me and please do keep me informed of all you achieve in the coming years. I am very proud of each and every one of you. All the best, Mr Bean.