I’ve listed the 2017/18 Top London School A'level Results by both A* and by A* to B grades. My list is based purely on A'level results, without Pre-U or Extended Project Qualification., this allows for a fairer comparison between State and Independent schools. 

The following schools have not been included due to incomplete data:  St Pauls (Barnes - Boys - Independent), The London Oratory School (Chelsea - Co-Ed - State), Channing School (Highgate - Girls - Independent), Harrodian School (Barnes - Co-Ed - Independent), Whitgift School (Croydon - Boys - Independent)

A*              15.3%

A* - B        74.7%

Independent School


Kensington & Chelsea

Website not updated yet.

A*              15.2%

A* - B        68%

State School



Congratulations to all our students on their excellent A Level results!

We are absolutely delighted with the A Level results our students have achieved this year. They have worked extremely hard and we are very proud of them.

37.4% of all grades were A*-A, 67.5% at A*-B, and 90.2% at A*-C.  Students have secured university places across the United Kingdom from Edinburgh to Exeter, with three places at Oxford and two at Cambridge.

We congratulate the students on their fabulous achievements and wish them every success in the next stage of their journey!

A*              15%

A* - B        TBC%

State School


Kensington & Chelsea

Holland Park students have received another set of stunning examination results. We send our warmest congratulations to students for their application of diligence and talent which has produced a record year of top results. Over 15% of results were at A* and 50% of all grades were at A* or A in a third successive year that sees us more-or-less doubling national proportions of the top grades.

A*              15%

A* - B        71%

State School



St Marylebone’s Year 13 deserve to celebrate their terrific A-Level achievements.  Their results, collected today, show how their hard work and drive have paid off, leading to exciting new chapters in their lives.  

Year 13 students have successfully secured desirable places at universities and colleges all over the country, studying meaningful subjects from mechanical engineering to Spanish and history, from art to maths and philosophy, from drama to languages, humanities, social sciences, law … the list goes on. 

Overall, the A-Level grades this year are really pleasing: 

71% A*-B  

92.5% A*- C

15% A* 

37% A* – A

Thank you to the teachers whose dedication and love of learning has enabled these achievements and opened doors for Year 13.

Parents and carers: thank you for your support for your daughters and sons and the School during their sixth form education. I hope you feel as proud as we do of the young people leaving St Marylebone.   

Students: well done to you. Celebrate! Enjoy! And all the very best for the future.

A*              14.5%

A* - B        89.1%

Independent School



Queen's College is today celebrating its best ever A level results! Over 89% of all exams were awarded grades A*-B, and over 57% were graded at A*-A, continuing our strong upward trend of results over recent years.

We are hugely proud of the achievements of this year's leavers and pass on our congratulations to all of them on their phenomenal success. Particular individuals deserve special praise: Freya has achieved A*A*A*, Tiger and Ariane both gained A*A*A, and five further pupils achieved A*AA. Our Oxbridge and medical offer holders have all achieved the grades they needed.

Very well done to all, and huge thanks to the teachers who have supported them tirelessly to achieve this success.

A*              14.1%

A* - B        78%

State School


Hammersmith & Fulham

Congratulations to all our pupils and staff on another cracking set of A-level results! 

With a stellar 78% A* to B attainment, and over 40% of the year group attaining at least 2 of their 3 A-levels at Grade A or above, this really is a cause for celebration. Other headlines include the news that one in four pupils attained at least AAA or above, whilst one in three gained at least AAB or more. 

We are also absolutely delighted that the vast majority of our pupils have secured their offers, including very strong shows for both Oxbridge and the Russell Group universities. This really was a hard-working and committed group of young people (and staff), and we are confident that all our pupils are well-placed to thrive in their next step of education and beyond.

Such achievements are even more impressive when situated in the current educational context that is focusing on how best to ‘rebase the coinage’ of our national qualifications framework.

Whilst we are thrilled with the overall results, we recognise that there is so much more to an outstanding school than examination performance: indeed, as all the educational research indicates, such a performance can be explained in large part by the diverse range of opportunities both inside and outside the classroom that the School provides, in addition to the School’s strong intellectual culture. 

So, once more, congratulations to all – pupils, staff and parents - and all the very best for the future!

Respice finem!

A*              14%

A* - B        78.5%




After another set of fantastic A Level results for Sutton High School GDST, with 79% of all grades at A*-B, girls will be realising their dreams by taking up places on prestigious courses from Astrophysics to Zoology.

Sutton High’s first ever A Level Computer Science results were 100% A*-A, and the majority of girls in the cohort will be going on to study the subject at university: Rebecca Tyson is attending the University of Cambridge, Jimin Park is going to Imperial College London and Madeleine Waller is taking up a place at King’s College London.

As well as Computer Science, there were also straight A*-A grades in Art, French and Religious Studies. In Mathematics, the most popular A Level taken at Sutton High, 69% of grades were A*-A.

Mrs Katharine Crouch, Headmistress, commented:

“I congratulate all our students and staff for their excellent A Level results. 

“Our aim is for girls to learn with joy every day and attain the academic success needed to pursue their dreams, whatever they might be.

A*              13.3%

A* - B        73%

Independent School



Sixth Form students at St Benedict’s are celebrating some outstanding A level results, which are the best the school has achieved for 5 years. 73% of all entries achieved A* to B, and 41% of entries gained A* to A – an increase of 4% from last year. Twenty-one students – a fifth of the year group - achieved straight A*s and As.

Several academic departments at St Benedict’s have achieved particularly impressive results: A*-As were awarded to 86% of English Literature students, to 75% of Fine Art students, 58% in Mathematics, and 55% in Economics. In further good news, 76% of the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) entries were awarded A*-A.

The Headmaster, Andrew Johnson, said: "I am delighted to be able to congratulate our sixth form students on achieving excellent A level results, thanks to their hard work and the dedicated guidance and support given by their teachers. There have been some stellar individual performances, and very many of our leavers are now heading to top Russell Group universities."

A*              12.7%

A* - B        77.8%

State School


Richmond upon Thames

I am so proud of our students and grateful to our staff, this years results are excellent and a testament to the hard work and commitment.  This year there have been extra complications due to exam reforms and the students have coped really well.  We are proud of all of our students and would like to thank staff for their hard work and commitment. 

We are pleased that 7 students gained entry to Oxbridge this year. 



A*              12%

A* - B        67.7%

State School



We are delighted to announce our 2nd full set of A Level Results from our cohort who joined JCoSS in its second year.  Overall, 38% of grades were either A* or A, and 67% were at Grade B or above – our best ever results by some margin.

We are enormously proud that 7 students who were holding offers for Oxbridge and/or Medical School have also received the necessary grades to take up their places – this again comfortably surpasses previous years and continues the upward trend since the school’s earliest results.

The great majority of the year group are placed in their chosen universities and are now set to embark on courses including Medicine, Veterinary Science, Arts, Business and Science at prestigious institutions. Others are heading into employment or other routes.

Headteacher Patrick Moriarty commented:

‘We are delighted by another set of excellent results – the 2nd whole cohort in our collection.  Both academic and vocational outcomes are testament to the exceptional hard work and dedication of staff and students alike, who were tackling new and demanding specifications in many subjects. 

‘We are proud not only of the academic accomplishments of our students but of the qualities that have grown in them during their time at JCoSS.  They leave as accomplished Mensches, embodying the values of the school and the wider community, and ready to act as ambassadors for both as they step forward on the next phase of their journey.’

A*              11.7%

A* - B        78.3%

State School



IB results have been used. 

Westminster Academy is celebrating a successful set of Sixth Form results with some of the highest scores in the Academy’s history.

Among a host of top scores in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) were five students achieving 40 points or above, out of a possible 45 points.

Principal Dr Saima Rana congratulated students, adding, “Beyond their fantastic results, I am immensely proud that this was the cohort who initiated sustainability and LGBT plus inclusion strategies among the student body, led a charity campaign raising over £1500 for Children in Need, and made their voices heard in the pilot Amplify programme. This is an inspirational group of young people who will continue to use the tool of education to make a difference.

“I would like to add a heartfelt thanks to the staff who have dedicated so much time to support our IB students, as well as parents, carers, sponsors, governors and our community and business partners whose contributions have, and will continue to play a huge part in the success of these students.”

A*              11.7%

A* - B        70.2%

Independent School



Website not updated yet.

A*              11.4%

A* - B        67.4%

State School



Sixth form students at The Charter School North Dulwich in South East London are today celebrating their outstanding A level and BTEC results.

64% of students achieved at least one A grade or equivalent with over 20% of students gaining all A*/A grades. It is expected that the vast majority of students will progress to their first choice of university or college for further study, including students heading to Oxbridge, Medical School and Veterinary School.

41% of all A level grades achieved at The Charter School North Dulwich this year were A*/A, and 67% were A*- B. 44% of all students gained at least 3 A levels with A* to B grades. 88% of students gained 3 A levels grades A*-C. It was also another strong performance this year in BTEC subjects with 100% of students gaining a Distinction/Merit in Business BTEC, whilst in Sports and Leisure BTEC 86% of students gained a Distinction/Merit.

The Charter School North Dulwich is an inclusive, state funded school, recognised as one of the top schools in the country for achievement at both GCSE and A level. Head teacher, Christian Hicks, said today, “Once again we have seen our students’ hard work over the past two years produce another set of outstanding A level and BTEC results. I am incredibly proud of the perseverance and focus on excellence shown by all of our students and their teachers.”

A*              10.9%

A* - B        65.7%




We are delighted to have achieved another year of strong A level results for our girls and boys.

83 candidates sat a total of 263 A levels and Sport BTEC/CAMTEC Diploma examinations this summer.

Once again, there were many individual outstanding performances in our results, with our top candidates achieving 3 A*s. The buzz of success and excitement was evident this morning as we welcomed many happy students and their parents to collect their results.

Royal Russell is a school that celebrates effort and achievement and the results show success at all levels of the academic range, reflecting the strength of our provision for all students, the efforts of our teaching staff and the support of our parents and all of the Royal Russell community.

Our students have successfully accepted places at their chosen universities and will be moving on from Royal Russell to study at Birmingham, Kings College London, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, University College London, Norwich, Southampton and Warwick, amongst others, on a wide range of courses including Computer Science, Pharmacy, English, History and Geology.

We also have a small number of students who have gained converted apprenticeship schemes and internships or directly entered employment in their chosen career fields.  

Our congratulations to the Class of 2018. We wish them well and look forward to welcoming them back to school as Old Russellians in the future.

A*              10.8%

A* - B        64%

State School



We would like to congratulate our students on their fantastic A-level and GCSE success.

At A-level 33% of grades are A*/A, 64% A*-B and 99% A*-E.


A*              10.8%

A* - B        70.3%

State School



We are extremely proud of our students and are hugely impressed with the grades that they achieved which will allow so many of them to get their first choices at the best universities in the country. 

These results outshine any of the previous records of the school. We continue to have a 100% pass rate on A Level and BTEC Diploma courses, with the number of A Level entries graded at A*-A soaring to 33%, A*-B to 70% and 90% at A* - C, all significant increases from the previous year. As an all-inclusive school we pride ourselves on supporting students of all abilities throughout their time at the school and we are exceptionally happy to see them all mature and achieve in their time here. These results reflect the hard work, dedication and the exceptional work ethic that the students and staff have displayed throughout the year.

We have a strong tradition of high expectations and aspirations and are delighted that so many of our students are going to university or have opportunities in excellent degree apprenticeships, for example with Morgan Stanley. 

We would like to congratulate all of our students who achieved results that they were proud of, whatever the grade. However, we feel a special mention should go to the 26 students who achieved all A* and A grades as this is clearly a tremendous achievement. 

A*              10.5%

A* - B        61.9%

State School



Once again we are delighted to report that Graveney School Sixth Form students have achieved an outstanding set of results at A level. 

32% of all grades were at A* or A; 62% at A* to B and 82% at A* to C representing a fantastic achievement in the face of the harder, reformed, linear A levels. This wonderful performance represents the achievements of 374 students in Year 13, in one of the largest cohorts we have had in one of the biggest sixth forms in the country.

These results show the consistent excellence achieved by our students across 33 subjects. We are especially pleased that in the following subjects more than half of all grades were at A* to B: Chemistry, Computer Science and IT, Drama, Economics, English Literature, Film Studies, French, Geography, Government and Politics, History, Maths and Further Maths, Media Studies, Music, Philosophy, Photography, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sociology, and Spanish.

We commend our students on the range of pathways they will now be taking up; once again, the majority of students got into their first choice university, including Oxford and Cambridge, and Russell Group Universities, with a significant number taking up places at medical school. Our AS results remain excellent and we congratulate all our students: the results are a fitting reward for their hard work. We also thank the dedicated staff at the school, and parents for their continued support. Now the celebrations can begin.

A*              10.3%

A* - B        82.2%

Independent School



STOP PRESS: A level Results 2018

  • 47% A*/A grades (compared to 26% national average)

  • 82% A*-B grades (compared to 53% national average)

  • 67% of applicants have been placed at their first choice university, the majority at Russell Group universities

  • Brampton College has come top of all sixth form colleges in London for the last 17 years. (According to the Department for Education performance tables, published in January 2018)

A*              9.9%

A* - B        69.6%

State School



Students and staff at Woodhouse College were jubilant this week as A level results were released nationally. Already the highest achieving sixth form college in London and top three nationally, we clocked up our best results in a decade this year.

Principal John Rubinstein said “These results are our second highest ever at Woodhouse and are a huge credit to the enormous hard work put in by everyone right across the Woodhouse community. In a year when grades are slightly down nationally, our students have bucked the trend.”

The Key Statistics

A level high grades 70% (A*– B, the grades required by top universities like the Russell Group)

101 students got three or more A or A* grades. 16 students got three or more A* grades.

At least 15 students will be going to an Oxbridge University.

An overall pass rate of 99.7% from 1993 exam entries (677 students).

29 confirmed Medicine offers

Highest achieving sixth form college in London and top three nationally.

A*              9.2%

A* - B        60.5%

Independent School



Pupils, parents and teachers were celebrating another strong set of A Level results at Queenswood this morning. Over 20% of girls achieved at least three A*-A grades and 64.1% of girls achieved A*-B grades across all 21 A Level subjects. The star subject for the Class of 2018 was definitely Mathematics where 100% achieved A*-B in Further Maths and 82% achieved A*-B in Maths. 

Girls are looking forward to beginning a new chapter in their lives at top universities in the UK and across the world. Courses to be studied include Economics (Cambridge), Maths (UCL and Kings), Philosophy (Durham), Chemical Engineering (Loughborough), Veterinary Science (Bristol) and Music (the Royal Academy of Music).

Commenting on the results, Principal, Jo Cameron said “I am thrilled for the girls. They have worked so hard and deserve these excellent results. They are focussed and understand the importance of balancing study time with other interests. I hope that they will take this philosophy with them as they move on to new and exciting futures at university and beyond. I am very proud of them and our wonderful team of teachers and pastoral staff.”

A*              9%

A* - B        77.4%

Independent School



Colfe’s A-level results continue to go from strength to strength with 78% of students scoring A*/B grades and 45% achieving the top grades of A*/A this year – almost twice the national average – at a time of significant change amidst toughening exams and marking structures.


A*              9%

A* - B        79.1%

Independent School


Kensington & Chelsea

We have had another superb year for A level results, so congratulations to everyone for all their hard work! Initial data shows that 36% of all A levels this year were A*-A grades, which puts us comfortably above the national average of 26%.

We have also seen a year-on-year improvement in our A*-C grades: this year, an impressive 98% achieved a grade C or above, which is a fantastic achievement!

Initial data for our university destinations is also looking very promising: 71% of our students have placed at Russell Group/ Ivy League universities and 74% to their first choice university!

A*              8.9%

A* - B        59.6%

State School



Superb outcomes have also been realised by our Year 13s in their A-levels.  Over 44% of their grades were at A*/A! Such fantastic achievement has enabled these students to secure places at the very best universities including Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial, UCL Warwick, to name but a few.  They will be reading a variety of subjects including Medicine, Law, Economics, Philosophy, Politics & Economics (PPE), Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering, Economics and Mathematics.

Congratulations to all of our fantastic students we wish them much success and happiness in this next exciting stage of their lives.

A*              8.6%

A* - B        65.9%

Independent School


Kensington & Chelsea

We are proud of our academic record at MPW London.

Despite having a non-selective admissions policy and a wide variety of courses targeted at students of different academic abilities, our students manage to achieve outstanding overall results year after year with more than one in three results at both A level and GCSE at MPW resulting in grades A* or A.

Many of our students have won special commendations from the exam boards in recent years for A level results in the top 10 of the national entry: Biology (3), History of Art (2), Statistics (2), Music (1), Politics (1), History (1), Religious Studies (1), Spanish (1), Geography (1), Art and Design (1).

Highlights from 2018 results:

  • Another outstanding year for exam results at MPW London

  • Once again a third of A level entries at A*/A

  • And A*/A once again the commonest (modal) grade at A level

  • 99% pass rate across all A level subjects

  • At GCSE over half of all entries at A*/A or equivalent!

A*              8.3%

A* - B        52.8%

State School



Record Oxbridge Success

Well done to the four Wren students who will be studying at Oxford and Cambridge in September

Charissa Cheong - Politics (A*), English Literature (A*), History (A)
English Literature at Christ College, Cambridge

Abigail Goodship - Mathematics (A*), Biology (A*), Chemistry (A)
Biological Sciences at Lincoln College, Oxford

Joseph Malinsky - Biology (A*), Chemistry (A*), History (A)
Archaeology and Anthropology at Magdalen College, Oxford

Karim Khan - Politics (A*), English Literature (A), History (A)
English Literature at Christ’s College, Cambridge

Oxbridge success has been achieved through high quality teaching backed up by a structured programme of support and challenge for each candidate.