The Times - Brexit ‘spells end for cheap family breaks’

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I'm a little behind on family articles. This is one I spotted this article The Times and felt it was worth sharing. 

Brexit could bring cut-price family holidays to an end, a tourism expert claims.

About 30 million British citizens holiday in other EU countries every year, accounting for 76 per cent of the outbound travel market. However, John Lennon of Glasgow Caledonian University has forecast that the costs of flying, travel insurance and mobile data usage could soar after Britain leaves.

The director of the Moffat Centre for Travel and Tourism, whose data is used by the Scottish government, also believes that the cost of food, drink and accommodation will rise sharply because the fall in the value of sterling.

“People will still go on holiday but it’s going to get more expensive,” he said. “Almost all major UK outbound destinations are already more expensive, with…

To read more The Times