Posts tagged a'levels
The Times: The other Brexit effect: more pupils see a future in politics

It can sometimes feel as though Brexit has triggered only frustration and fury in a country that barely used to think about the mechanics of the EU.

But analysis of the subjects chosen by children for their GCSEs, A-levels and degrees shows that the 2016 referendum result has had one unexpected effect — a huge increase in the number of young people studying politics.

The number of teenagers sitting the subject at A-level has jumped from 14,195 in 2016 to 18,240 this year.

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BBC - Harrow school sets up online sixth form for global pupils

The global wealthy will soon be able to send their children to a top English private school without having to leave home.

Harrow is setting up a virtual sixth form which will teach A-levels online to pupils anywhere in the world.

It will charge £15,000 per year and will initially focus on science and maths subjects, with education firm Pearson providing the technology.

The new Harrow School Online will begin teaching from September 2020.

Principal Heather Rhodes said the historic school was adapting to a "rapidly changing world".

This is the latest attempt to use online technology to sell UK education overseas - with the school's brand being used to attract pupils who want to be taught through the internet.

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