Posts tagged academic
The Times: Elite Tokyo school expels masked impostor who posed as his brother

A boy impersonated his brother to attend one of Japan’s most celebrated private schools for several months without staff noticing.

Kaisei Academy in Tokyo, an all-boys school, said it had expelled one of its pupils after discovering that he was passing himself off as his younger sibling and had never passed its rigorous entrance examination.

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The Guardian: Oxford moves to protect students from China's Hong Kong security law

Students will submit work related to China anonymously and told not to record classes.

Students at Oxford University specialising in the study of China are being asked to submit some papers anonymously to protect them from the possibility of retribution under the sweeping new security law introduced three months ago in Hong Kong.

The anonymity ruling is to be applied in classes, and group tutorials are to be replaced by one-to-ones. Students are also to be warned it will be viewed as a disciplinary offence if they tape classes or share them with outside groups.

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the Times: China tries to gag UK universities

The Chinese government has attempted to curb criticism on British campuses of its regime by pressuring universities into limiting academic freedom, MPs have said.

“Alarming” evidence of Chinese interference has been found by the Commons foreign affairs committee, which says that it appears to be coming from the embassy in London.

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