Posts tagged evening standard
Evening Standard: The Progress 1000: London's most influential people 2019 – Education

Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon - Co-founder of STEMettes

Dr Dayo Olukoshi OBE - Executive principal, Brampton Manor
Sally-Anne Huang - Headmistress, James Allen’s Girls’ School
Andrew Ashe - CEO of onebillion
Emma Russo - Science teacher, South Hampstead High School
James Handscombe - Principal, Harris Westminster Sixth Form
Amanda Spielman - Chief inspector, Ofsted
Tim Barber - Head teacher, Hugh Myddelton Primary School
Tara Baig - Head teacher, Miles Coverdale Primary
Emma Stevens - Music teacher, Norbury Manor Business & Enterprise College

Mike Sheridan - Ofsted’s London director
David Benson - Head teacher, Kensington Aldridge Academy

Mouhssin Ismail - Head teacher, Newham Collegiate Sixth Form
Cheryl Giovannoni - Chief executive, Girls’ Day School Trust
Lady Cobham - Director, The 5% Club
Kimberley Hickman - PTA member, Goose Green Primary School
Sir Daniel Moynihan - Chief executive, Harris Federation
Sir Peter Lampl - Founder and chairman, Sutton Trust
Sara Williams - Chair of Pan London Admissions Board
George Lamb - Grow, founder | NEW

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Evening Standard: Frolo app: a single mum wanted to find other single parents – so she made an app for it

If you want to become an app entrepreneur, a good place to start is by identifying a problem you are personally dealing with and finding a way to use tech to solve it. 

For Zoe Desmond, her app, Frolo, came from her experience as a single parent and the loneliness that came along with that. Desmond and her partner separated two years ago, not long after their son Billy had turned one, and she says she found it very isolating.

“I didn’t know any other single parents in my life – none of my friends and family. I began to dread the weekends, I would start to panic about how to get by and fill the days. Then there was the guilt of not being able to be my best self for my son, not wanting to impose on friends and family on their family time,” she tells the Standard

What she really wanted was to find a community of people who were in a similar situation and would understand. The other platforms and apps out there didn’t offer the right space: the Facebook forums were full of too much negativity and mum apps like Peanut and Mush didn’t have the right search system to find other single parents.

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Evening Standard - Scream time: More parents calling in professionals to resolve family rows over gadget use

Increasing numbers of parents with young children are seeking help from professional coaches over screen time “battles” with their “addicted” offspring, experts said.

Device use has become the heart of many family rows, with some parents complaining of “triple-screening” — youngsters simultaneously viewing a television, laptop and smartphone.

Coaches say that occupational therapists they work with are worried that children are not learning simple resilience from climbing trees or running around outside, with some starting school unable to hold a pencil properly.

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Evening Standard - Vlogstar Challenge 2019: Bella Roberts becomes fourth winner of the annual vlogging competition

The 2019 winner was crowned at a packed event at YouTube Space

If you were tasked with making a YouTube video about turning a challenge into something positive, what would it be? 

For 17-year-old Bella Roberts, it was about how she learned to become a filmmaker, particularly the skills she picked up through YouTube. “Something only needs to be as hard as you think it should be,” she says wisely. 

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