It's Been a Long Road to Here

Putting 2 + 2 together and realising I had another skillset other than accountancy, it's taken me since December 2014 until July 2018 to launch Lando Education's website. In the background, I've been working on digital educational programmes, analysing what worked and didn't work when it comes to learning, looking at resources, and test driving those resources on my daughter and her friends. I've ripped up traditional methods and put them back together in a simpler, easier to follow system. I'm the friend everyone asks what methods, resources and timings they should employ, which schools are the best and how to get into certain schools. And the list continues to grow by the day. 

The first of those digital programmes was the dreaded TIMETABLES!! No, I didn't want her to learn them by rote, or by singing songs, or using her fingers. I wanted a method that enabled all the timetables to be be stored in her brain long term, took only a few months, was quick and easy. I sat in morning music lessons (First Strings Experience at the Royal Academy of Music) and created my own programme, making long term friends along the way (Warren, Irene, Paul, Lucia, Worawan, Michael, Grainne, Nicole and Neville). I was the woman armed with a notepad and pen scribbling away, whilst our children sang, played and had lots of fun together. You'll find my Timetable Programme (COMING SOON) under the Digital Programmes tab.

Several things have slowed me down along the way. I've moved organisations as contracts came and went, worked on 7+ with my own daughter, then 11+ (this autumn to January 2019), my dad's suicide... To be honest, life got in the way!

The most important lesson I have learnt is not to give up, believe in yourself and your dreams. My dad's death taught me that life is far too short, and you need to live it however hard it may become. 
