Lando Origins

From Reception to where we are now, the summer before year 6, we, as a family have followed the principal of using all school holidays, especially the summer holidays, to keep on top of school work and help our now 10 year old feel confident academically. We follow the Little and Often (LandO) methodology, although 5-10mins has morphed into 2-3hrs as we head at a quickening pace towards 11+ season. 

Timetables were learnt to 12x12 in the summer before Year 2 (our daughter was six and a half years old). Spellings and vocabulary worked on each summer, to where we are now with all things verbal reasoning. Last October her school confirmed no summer slide, and she was working ahead of her age. Success!!! 

Which brings me round to my Bible. I discovered this book in 2014, Noël Janis-Norton's Calmer, Easier, Happier Homework. My copy is well read, full of highlighted passages and post-it notes. Those we follow naturally: creating a daily habit (or in our case 3-5 times a week in holidays and weekends in term time), over learning, extension work, constant reviews of new topics/ideas/principles learnt.

Once the dreaded 11+ exams are out of the work, my daughter and I plan to start learning languages together. She's chosen French, Japanese and Russian. We'll also look at alternative methods for learning the periodic table. I do believe in learning ahead, one less thing for her brain to memorise at GCSE time. 

Available to buy: Foyles
