The Sunday Times - Restless Boys To Outshine Dutiful Girls In Tougher A-levels

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I spotted this article (one of a few today) in The Sunday Times and felt it was worth sharing. 

Unfortunately it has a paywall attached. If you have a The Times subscription, it is worth reading the full article.

With results out this week, a system that rewards late revision rather than conscientious coursework is expected to favour boys.

Boys are expected to score more top A and A* grades than girls in the new tougher A-levels when the results are published this week.

They will also further close the gap with girls in their tally of A*-C grades, according to a report to be released tomorrow.

The report, from Buckingham University, predicts that boys’ performance will improve this year in England because there are twice as many new tough A-levels, which are tested by exams, rather than coursework, which many experts say girls are better at.

Last year, when there were 13 subjects in which the new A-levels were introduced, boys scored more A and A* grades than girls by 0.5 percentage points . It was the first time since 2000 that boys beat…

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