The Times - A-level pass mark could plunge to protect pupils from revamp

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The same article relating pass rates in The Times. 

Unfortunately it has a paywall attached. If you have a The Times subscription, it is worth reading the full article.

The marks needed by teenagers to pass A levels could fall significantly this year as the exams watchdog protects thousands of pupils from being penalised by tougher qualifications.

Ofqual has promised to smooth the transition from the old A levels to the reformed version, under which modules, resits and much coursework have been scrapped.

Experts said that grade boundaries may have to be significantly lowered to achieve this if pupils had found the exams harder.

They also said that proportionally more top grades could be secured by boys this year and that the soaring number of unconditional offers could bring down the number of highest grades awarded overall. Results will be published on Thursday.

Most A levels have now been revamped after the first few…