The Times - Babies in prams exposed to 60% more pollution than parents, say experts

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More catching up on Family/Education articles. This was in The Times a couple of weeks ago.

We live in Marylebone W1, one of the most central areas of London. We love our neighbourhood, however the pollution is high near us. 

Babies in prams are exposed to up to 60 per cent more pollution than their parents, researchers say, highlighting potential damage to developing brains.

Scientists at the University of Surrey said that prams and pushchairs put young children directly in the path of vehicle exhaust pipes. Parents should consider what “mitigating action” they could take to protect themselves and their infants, including taking quieter routes or avoiding walking alongside rush-hour traffic where possible.

The study warned that “toxic metals that have been shown to damage their frontal lobe as well as cognition and brain development when inhaled by in-pram babies” were found as particles in high numbers at the roadside.

“When you . . . consider how vulnerable they are because of their tissues, immune systems, and brain…