The Times - Score of just 35% will now earn a National 5 grade D

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An article from The Times and felt it was worth sharing. 

Unfortunately it has a paywall attached. If you have a The Times subscription, it is worth reading the full article.

Scotland’s exam authorities have been accused of dumbing down key subjects after the qualification threshold for dozens of subjects was lowered.

When the results of Scotland’s national exams were announced last week, National 5 pupils were awarded D grades in a number of subjects even if they scored less than 40 per cent in their exams. In National 5 exams, the grades A-C are counted as passes. D grades are still recorded on exam certificates as awards.

John Swinney, Scotland’s education secretary, said last year that the lowest grade for a D grade was being reduced from 45 per cent to 40 per cent to prevent pupils leaving school with no qualifications.

The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) has now revealed that the boundaries for National…