The Times: Exam board to show students exactly where they went wrong

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More catching up on Family/Education articles. This was in The Times a couple of weeks ago.

A leading exam board will upload all of its marked A-level exam scripts today to help cut the numbers of schools challenging their pupils’ grades and seeking a re-mark, after a successful pilot last year.

Edexcel will offer free access to the exam scripts so that teachers can judge whether the pupil or examiner was at fault before they go through the process of challenging the grade awarded.

The offer last year had a dramatic effect on the number of challenges, known in the sector as “reviews”. They fell to 16,575 from 21,715 in 2016. For GCSEs the number of appeals fell to 69,330 from 81,425.

Across the sector, however, the trend for more and more reviews has continued, with 369,215 grade challenges made in…