The Times: Italy becomes first to make pupils study climate change

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Italy is to become the first country in the world to make classes on climate change compulsory in schools, Lorenzo Fioramonti, the education minister, said yesterday.

From September, schoolchildren will dedicate an hour a week to learning about global warming and the possibilities of sustainable development.

“I want to make the Italian education system the first that puts the environment and society at the core of everything we learn in school,” said Mr Fioramonti, who is a member of Italy’s anti-establishment Five Star party.

Subjects including geography, mathematics and physics will be taught from the perspective of sustainable development, he added.

A former economics professor, Mr Fioramonti advised Italy’s students to play truant from school in September to participate in climate protests across the country inspired by Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swedish girl who has inspired marches worldwide.

The full online article can be found here.