Senior School Clubs Weren't This Exciting in the '80s

Yes, I do have my hand up in the air! I went to senior school in the ‘80’s, 1981-1988 to be precise. I went to two senior/secondary schools. My first, an independent school was in West Yorkshire and my last was in North Yorkshire, a faith state school. I can’t say I remember having any clubs at either school! In addition my mother was very much against outside school activities, as she viewed them as a complete waste of money (sigh)!

My daughter has just started her new London senior school, and has chosen the following school clubs:

  • Dissection (yes, you did read that right!)

  • Netball Squad

  • Kickboxing

  • Science

  • Film Making

  • Studio Recording

In addition, she has 7hrs of ballet lessons a week and a weekly flute lesson at home.

She’s wanted to join dissection club since she was eight years old. Could I find her an after school or weekend dissection club? Hmmm that was a big fat NO! They will cut up both exotic animals eg snakes to domestic farm animals eg sheep’s heads. From the age of four until approx a year ago, she always wanted to be a vet. She’s now moved into the science/mathematics/IT mindset, with ballet and acting thrown in… oh and thanks to her father, being a spy has also crept in!! Forthcoming changes in the way we function as a family, will open up the USA for her university/college education. She has already mentioned MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and we’ve also suggested CalTech (California Institute of Technology).

Film Making fits right in with her father’s future career, as a Screenwriter and Studio Recording fits perfectly in with his past career, as a Record Producer and Sound Engineer.

Other school club options include:

  • Costume Club

  • Feminist Society

  • Knit and Natter

  • Medical Society

  • Vet Society

  • Good Deeds Club

  • Equestrian Society (Hyde Park)

  • Sub-Aqua Club

Which exciting senior school (or junior) clubs do your children have on offer and participate in?