Where Have the Last 12 Months Gone?

I cannot believe it’s been 12 months since I last wrote a blog post. Time has really flown by. As a family we’ve all been incredibly busy. Our 11 year old has sat her 11+ exams and has just started her new senior school, whilst my husband has been busy with his Mac Doctor clients and screenwriting.

I’ve been:

  • tutoring

  • educational consulting

  • building financial models

  • teaching myself how to draw

  • walking all around London

  • going to the gym

  • planning 2020

  • visiting New York with my daughter (end of 11+ exams)

  • travelling to the Maldives, for our first family overseas holiday since 2012

  • and most importantly spending time with my soon to be 12 year old

As a family we have an incredibly exciting end of 2019 and 2020 ahead of us. So watch this space…