The Times: Sacked Eton master Will Knowland faces lifetime ban from schools

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The teacher dismissed from Eton over an anti-feminist video could be banned from teaching permanently after the school referred him to the watchdog.

Will Knowland, 35, will learn from the Teaching Regulation Authority (TRA) whether he has a case to answer. It can impose a lifetime ban.

At the time of the sacking in November, Eton wrote to the TRA urging it not to ban him. Guidelines for referral state: “A referral is appropriate if the alleged misconduct is so serious that it warrants a decision on whether the teacher should be prevented from teaching.”

Knowland’s removal led to anger among present and former pupils. He says that Conservative ministers have written to him in support.

Lord Bellingham, a Conservative former minister who chairs a club of 45 Old Etonians who have put plans to give £2 million on hold because of their disquiet at the dismissal, said that the referral by the school was “vindicative”.

The full article (paywall): Sacked Eton master Will Knowland faces lifetime ban from schools