The Times: Genetic screening helps Daniella Reynard deliver healthy baby boy

Daniella Reynard has become the first person in Britain with Apert syndrome to have a baby using a method which checks embryos for faulty genes

Daniella Reynard has become the first person in Britain with Apert syndrome to have a baby using a method which checks embryos for faulty genes

Born with a rare genetic condition affecting her bones and heart, Daniella Reynard feared that she would never be able to fulfil her dream of having a child.

Now, thanks to genetic screening technology, she is the delighted mother of a healthy baby boy.

Reynard, 33, has become the first person in Britain with Apert syndrome to have a baby using IVF with pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), a screening method which checks embryos for faulty genes before a pregnancy.

Reynard, who works in a children’s centre, hoped to get married before having children and spoke about her struggle to find love in the 2015 series of the Channel 4 disability dating show The Undateables.

As she approached 30 she decided to put her search for a partner on hold and have a baby using a sperm donor.

Full article (paywall): Genetic screening helps Daniella Reynard deliver healthy baby boy