Posts in Television
TED Talk: the Danger of a Single Story

My daughter was asked to watch novelist Chimamanda Adichie’s TED talk for her geography homework. I was listening to it the background and it made me smile/laugh, quite a lot.

Our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories. Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found her authentic cultural voice -- and warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding.

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The Guardian: Interview - Morfydd Clark: ‘In the acting world, my ADHD tendencies are seen as charming’ by Claire Armitstead

Directors are queueing up to work with the Welsh actor about to hit the big time in her first lead role, in acclaimed psychological thriller Saint Maud.

When Morfydd Clark was 16 years old, she crashed out of school. “After my GCSEs I just couldn’t go back,” she says. “I tried for a term but didn’t do any work and my mum said: ‘Why don’t you just drop out? There’s no point in being there if you’re going to be like this.’ So I spent a month in my pyjamas in my bedroom with the heating on, eating chocolates, and then she said: ‘Right, you’ve got to do something. You like acting, don’t you?’”

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The Times: 50 great films by women Sex, war, betrayal, crime, romance, bromance: no topic has been off limits for female directors

Having a screenwriter husband, does mean we watch a lot of films. He’s currently looking for a female director for one of his Hollywood film scripts. So in praise of all films by women…

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The Guardian: 'Kids can smell fear': the standups who took over children's TV

Is performing for young audiences easier? Far from it say the comedians who do clubs at night and CBBC shows by day.

Young audiences respond instantly: they won’t sit and think about a joke or allow it to grow

Nick Mohammed

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