Posts tagged reading
The Times: David Walliams sitting comfortably in £100 million book club

David Walliams has joined a select group of authors to have sold more than £100 million worth of books.

The comedian turned children’s author joins the likes of JK Rowling, Dame Jacqueline Wilson, Julia Donaldson, Jamie Oliver and Dan Brown in reaching the landmark figure.

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The Times: Too much reading makes kids shortsighted

Myopia rates among under-16s have tripled since the 1960s. Opticians urge parents to send their children outside

An epidemic of short-sightedness is linked to youngsters staring at screens, reading books and doing homework, say scientists — who recommend removing their gadgets and sending them outside for at least two hours a day.

Researchers have found a direct relationship between the time youngsters spend on “nearwork” and myopia. They also predict a surge in the numbers of people who become blind or visually impaired, as people who develop short-sightedness early in life are at far higher risk of serious eye problems when older.

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