Posts in NRICH
AoPS: Resigned Resolutions

Since I always fail my New Year's resolutions, this year, my New Year's resolutions are:

1. Make a new year's resolution
2. Fail my new year's resolution

Am I guaranteed to succeed? Guaranteed to fail? Something else?

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Nrich: Rhombuses

How many rhombuses made up of two adjacent small triangles are there?

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Nrich: Fraction of a Square

What fraction of the square is shaded?

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Nrich: Ten numbers = 37

Can you pick ten numbers from the bags that add up to 37?

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AoPS: Weird Equation

Let weird(n) be the number of ways to write n as a + a + b + c, where n, a, b, and c are distinct positive integers. Is weird(n) an increasing function?

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NRICH: Shear Magic

Shearing is a transformation of a shape in which a particular line (in this case the base of the triangle or parallelogram) remains fixed and all other points in the shape are translated parallel to that line by an amount proportional to the distance from that line.

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