Posts tagged matg
AoPS: Resigned Resolutions

Since I always fail my New Year's resolutions, this year, my New Year's resolutions are:

1. Make a new year's resolution
2. Fail my new year's resolution

Am I guaranteed to succeed? Guaranteed to fail? Something else?

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AoPS: Weird Equation

Let weird(n) be the number of ways to write n as a + a + b + c, where n, a, b, and c are distinct positive integers. Is weird(n) an increasing function?

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AoPS: Sum 25 Product

A set of positive integers has sum 25. What is the biggest you can make the product of the numbers?

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Parallel (Simon Singh): Intermediate Maths Challenge - Patterns

The pattern 123451234512345... is continued to form a 2000-digit number. What is the sum of all 2000 digits?

  • 6000

  • 7500

  • 30,000

  • 60,000

  • 75,000

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UKMT (UK Mathematics Trust): [√ n]

The notation [√ n] means the integer part of the square root of n. How quickly can you solve?

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Parallel (Simon Singh): Musical Mathematics

It is extraordinary that so much of the universe can be explained using mathematical equations. Indeed, it is often said that mathematics is the language of the universe. It is certainly the language of science.

In this clip, from a documentary in the American Nova series, the jazz musician Esperanza Spalding explains how maths is also at the heart of music. Pay attention to the way that numbers relate to musical intervals (an octave, a fifth and a fourth).

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