Posts in UKMT
UKMT: Six-Digit Integers

How many six-digit integers have an even number of even digits?

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UKMT: Circle

What is the largest number of dots that the circle can pass through?

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UKMT: How Many Squares?

How many squares of any size are there in this 8 x 8 grid?

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UKMT : Alice & Charlotte

In how many years time will Alice be twice as old as Charlotte will then be?

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UKMT: Counters

In how many different ways could I place the two counters?

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Parallel (Simon Singh): Congruent Rectangles

This is a UKMT JMC (Junior Maths Challenge) question. I’ve been using it with my students, who applied to St Paul’s Girls’ School, in the recent 11+ entrance exams.

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UKMT: Ladder

What is the shape of the path that the snail traces out as the ladder falls?

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UKMT : April, May and June

Can you help solve how much money April, May and June began with, before sharing equally?

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Year 8 Maths Homework: Find The Radius

Could you solve this? My year 8 daughter’s homework from last weekend. I did point her in the right direction and then she finished it off. She was very happy as she worked out how to solve it.

Last night, she asked if she could work on really hard maths over half term, to help her find maths at school easy and also to have fun (apparently). I’ve pulled out UKMT’s Intermediate Problems by Andrew Jobbings (years 9-11 Intermediate Maths Challenge questions) and a pile of Art of Problem Solving books.

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Parallel (Simon Singh): Intermediate Maths Challenge - Patterns

The pattern 123451234512345... is continued to form a 2000-digit number. What is the sum of all 2000 digits?

  • 6000

  • 7500

  • 30,000

  • 60,000

  • 75,000

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UKMT (UK Mathematics Trust): [√ n]

The notation [√ n] means the integer part of the square root of n. How quickly can you solve?

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UKMT: The Tower of Hanoi Maths Problem

UKMT volunteer Fraser Heywood kindly shared this video of his favourite mathematical puzzle with us. The Tower of Hanoi is a mathematical puzzle and a recursive algorithm, where the objective is to move an entire stack of disks from the source position to another position.

The three rules are:

- Only one disk can be moved at a time.

- A disk can only be moved if it is the uppermost disk on a stack.

- No larger disk may be placed on top of a smaller disk.

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