The Times - Rugby School pulls out of ‘flawed’ A‑level rankings

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I spotted this article The Times and felt it was worth sharing. 

Unfortunately it has a paywall attached. If you have a The Times subscription, it is worth reading the full article.

A boarding school with stellar A-level results has quit the annual league tables saying that they fail to reflect “modern all-round education”.

Peter Green, headmaster of Rugby School, also expressed frustration that schools which play the system to boost their ranking, often to the detriment of their pupils, are not identified by those compiling the tables. In a letter to parents he said the tables “fail to say which schools prevent their borderline students taking particular subjects in case their own performance is adversely affected. They do not tell us which schools include ‘easier’ subjects in the curriculum to boost results.”

There is growing concern that schools of all types routinely game the system to benefit their position, preventing pupils from taking subjects in which…