The Times - Teenagers turn backs on A-level French and German

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I spotted this article The Times and felt it was worth sharing. 

Unfortunately it has a paywall attached. If you have a The Times subscription, it is worth reading the full article.

The number of teenagers awarded A-levels in modern languages is expected to fall sharply tomorrow despite attempts to revive French and German by making it easier to get an A*.

Initial figures published this year showed the number of pupils in England taking French A-level this summer had fallen to less than 8,000, a decline of 8 per cent in one year, and German has decreased by 16 per cent to 2,890. Numbers taking German have halved in ten years and figures for French have halved in the past 14 years.

Changes to A-levels, the results of which will be received by hundreds of thousands of teenagers tomorrow, have been blamed, as have funding cuts.

Head teachers said A-level French, German and music were in…