The Times: British universities charter jets to fly in Chinese students

A flight carrying hundreds of students to Belfast from Beijing has become the first of several expected to be chartered by British universities to bring a record number of Chinese people into the country to study.

More than 24,000 Chinese students sought admission to British universities this year, up by 23 per cent, of which 8,570 were accepted, a rise of 14 per cent.

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Evening Standard: Could it be time to rent your children's clothes?

My 12 year old recently discovered that you could rent women’s clothes in Selfridges. Not quite sure either of us actually liked any of the clothes on display though.

2020 is the year fashion rental went mainstream. But should childrenswear be next on your list to loan? And is it safe? Chloe Street speaks to My Wardobe Kids' Sadie Mantovani to get the baby gro-down

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The Independent: ‘Young people have an amazing sense of humour, because the world is ridiculous’: How Rocks is revolutionising British cinema

First came ‘Attack the Block’; now two new releases are redrawing how we see young inner-city kids on screen. The directors tell Beth Webb why it’s time to see teenagers differently.

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The Times: School funding ‘unfair to poor white pupils’

Poor white children do significantly worse at school in part because education funding is targeted at larger cities with more ethnically diverse populations, academics have argued.

They accused the Department for Education of making it difficult for experts to analyse underachievement by white pupils because this “did not align” with the government’s focus.

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The Times: Pupils aren’t up to sitting exams next year, say teachers

A survey found that over 50 per cent of teachers with pupils due to take exams next summer felt they were not on track to get the results they should achieve.

Questions surround next year’s GCSE and A-level exams after ministers, unions and private schools raised doubts that they would run as normal.

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The Times: Coronavirus in Scotland: Parents want end to confusion over next year’s exams

Parents are demanding an “unequivocal statement” from John Swinney about the fate of next year’s school exams amid claims that they may be cancelled again due to Covid-19.

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The Times: Ruth Bader Ginsburg obituary

Whenever Ruth Bader Ginsburg fell ill, liberal America held its breath. To many it was Bader Ginsburg, the 107th justice of the Supreme Court and something of a judicial celebrity, who was the voice of reason in a nation divided on ideological grounds, with her cautious words and constant attempts to build a consensus no matter who was involved.

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The Sunday Times: UK university rankings: the best universities by subject

As well as institutional rankings, The Sunday Times and The Times have identified the centres of excellence within each of 67 subject areas. The subject rankings are based on student opinion on teaching quality and their wider university experiences, combined with the outcomes of the 2014 research assessments, graduate job prospects and course entry standards.

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The Guardian: Interview - Morfydd Clark: ‘In the acting world, my ADHD tendencies are seen as charming’ by Claire Armitstead

Directors are queueing up to work with the Welsh actor about to hit the big time in her first lead role, in acclaimed psychological thriller Saint Maud.

When Morfydd Clark was 16 years old, she crashed out of school. “After my GCSEs I just couldn’t go back,” she says. “I tried for a term but didn’t do any work and my mum said: ‘Why don’t you just drop out? There’s no point in being there if you’re going to be like this.’ So I spent a month in my pyjamas in my bedroom with the heating on, eating chocolates, and then she said: ‘Right, you’ve got to do something. You like acting, don’t you?’”

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The Times: 50 great films by women Sex, war, betrayal, crime, romance, bromance: no topic has been off limits for female directors

Having a screenwriter husband, does mean we watch a lot of films. He’s currently looking for a female director for one of his Hollywood film scripts. So in praise of all films by women…

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The Times: A Zoom-ful of sugar from virtual babysitters helps kids learn and parents get on

She might be singing nursery rhymes or helping a child to learn the alphabet. While it sounds like an average day for a nanny, there is a difference. Danielle Manton-Kelly is not in the room with the children: she is a Zoomsitter, an online nanny, and she is one of a growing breed.

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The Times: Forget mutinous Tories — it’s parents Boris Johnson fears

My daughter is back at school and touch wood, there haven’t been any cases of Covid at her school yet. They have cameras in each of the classrooms, so girls in quarantine at home, can join in lessons. However several independent and state schools in London have put entire year groups or individual classes into quarantine, several days after starting back. We have friends with daughters currently confined to home school as a result.

Whatever happens at Westminster, the prime minister knows closing schools again would be political suicide.

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TES: Why we must scrap GCSEs: 4 ways to form a better system

Sarah Fletcher, the high mistress of St Paul's Girls' School in London and a member of the HMC, offers thoughts on better ways young people can be assessed than out-dated GCSEs.

Everything has changed over the past few months.

We have put students from across the world in the same classrooms, safeguarded new ways of working and shared resources and online platforms.

Most extraordinary of all, teachers have helped in the awarding of grades and we have cancelled all assessments from key stage 1 to key stage 5.

Imagining the unimaginable is something we should do more often! And what better place to start than with the curriculum?

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The Guardian: Private and state schools bid to kill off GCSEs

A coalition of private and state schools is expected to launch a campaign to end GCSEs, as growing numbers of schools look at alternatives to the exams following the summer algorithm debacle.

Eton, Bedales, St Paul’s girls’ school, Latymer upper school and several substantial academy chains have been joined by Margaret Thatcher’s education secretary, Kenneth Baker, who created GCSEs, to discuss proposals for replacing the exam system.

The group, Rethinking Assessments, is likely to launch a formal campaign in the next few weeks, forcing ministers into a battle for control of school qualifications.

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Simon Singh: The Maths Masterclass Tutorials (Year 8 & Year 11)

NB Parents can nominate children. Please see the rules at the bottom of this page.

The Maths Masterclass Tutorials are an intense programme of FREE online Maths tuition designed to stretch and challenge the very best young mathematicians

Following the huge success of our pilot in May, we are now scaling up to a year-long FREE programme. The Maths Masterclass Tutorials programme is delivered by TalentEd in partnership with best-selling author Dr. Simon Singh.

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The Times: I’m a graduate. There are no jobs since Covid for me

I never thought I’d hear myself say those words: I want to receive a rejection email. I want to be told that on this occasion I have been unsuccessful; that after careful consideration we will not be continuing your application. Because at least then I know.

With unemployment rates continuing to rise, it is young people who are being hit hardest by the coronavirus job crisis. Jobs are like gold dust, the applicant/position ratio is ever-growing, and many companies are failing to inform applicants of their unsuccess. This leaves you deflated, tired and obsessively checking your junk mail.

A 23-year-old, class of 2019 graduate, I moved to London in February, excited by the prospect of starting a career and creating a new home. I started off with high hopes, and a cushion of savings to get me through the initial couple of months.

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The Times: Postgrad degrees are not the path to a bigger salary

Taking a postgraduate qualification may earn extra letters after your name, but it won’t bring you more money in the long run, research suggests.

Those paying to continue their studies in some subjects can end up with lower salaries as a result, suggesting that extra years of study should be done for love of learning, not lucre.

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The Guardian: The 'serendipity mindset': how to make your own luck

Seeing meaning in the unexpected can help turn mistakes into opportunities, says researcher Dr Christian Busch.

See something in the unexpected and connect the dots.

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The Guardian: 'Kids can smell fear': the standups who took over children's TV

Is performing for young audiences easier? Far from it say the comedians who do clubs at night and CBBC shows by day.

Young audiences respond instantly: they won’t sit and think about a joke or allow it to grow

Nick Mohammed

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The Times: Nose job ads? Not in front of the children

The ban aims to protect young people’s mental health and body image.

Cosmetic surgery clinics will be banned from promoting breast enlargement, nose jobs and liposuction to children, under plans announced by the advertising watchdog today.

The rules will stop adverts for cosmetic surgery during or around TV programmes and online content, either aimed at under-18s or likely to appeal to young audiences. It will mean that viewers of Love Island, the ITV reality show, will no longer see adverts for breast enlargement procedures.

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